i think i'm too drunk to sleep
but i just want to sleep without any thoughts
no dreams if possible, too
just a deep sleep and wake up and face the day
my heart literally aches right now
the thought of uni and waking up early for work is exhausting
but these are all stupid, stupid trivial things
life is so much more than deadlines oh my god it surely is
i just want to be hugged
hugged so tightly
i remember one night where i told someone all the rest of my secrets
and that was the last night he really listened and it was ok
i don't have any secrets left to tell and i am grateful i got them off my chest
i just want to be held
please don't let me think before i sleep
i will imagine the hug i want
and fall asleep in the arms i imagine
i can't stress how important it is to feel excited about the future, always always to be as optimistic as possible
and i am, i have so many plans for the next few months alone
but right now, i hope i just sleep soundly before work
sleep in the arms of soundless dreams
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