Feb 04, 2004 16:05
"I love people who think about nothing , but themselves. They feel they are the steping stone of other people. They feel that they have done nothing to deserve the things that are done and said to them. They are deluded to the fact that they feel they are not at fault. When in fact everything that is done is a direct reaction to the way they talk and the things they do. They don't even know of the people that deal with them just to make them not feel bad. It is time to open your eye and see the world for what it really is you people of a beligerant world. Reality awaits your mind and I can see that it is going to be painful indead for you."
That is from Sean's buddy info. Sometimes I hate how smart he is. At times I think this description is me. I try to think about other peoples feelings and I feel that I do that pretty well . I know I deserve all of the horrible things that have been said about me to. Face it as 3 of my "friends" have said this week I'm a mean person so It wouldn't surprise me if they have said things about me that would probably hurt me to hear. It scares me how much I keep thinking that this description is a lot like who I am as a person. I don't want to be a person like that. I keep trying not to be a person like that. I just don't know what to do I guess to change. In high school I always thought that I was a pretty nice person, and then there are times that I think I had my friends purely because they felt bad for me or something. I just don't want to be a person like that because thats not how I envision myself being.
thanks for listening
Later Kids