Oct 10, 2005 13:37
So I've had a crappy past couple weeks. I've been working 6 days and am well into overtime, so at least that will pay off.
I got really effing sick out of completely nowhere and it's horrible. My nose is either constantly running so badly that I don't want to be seen in public, or it's so clogged that I can't blow it or talk correctly and I breathe all loud. Since I've been blowing it so much, I now look like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.
Probably the worst of all is that last night I closed the store, and I knew we'd be staying late because we were converting our system. It should have only taken an hour, but the people at tech support are idiots so I was there until almost 4:00a.m., and the conversion didn't even go through...then I had to turn around and be back there at 8:45 this morning.
Peggy came in to do the new release wall and felt insanely bad for me for all that happening, so she called my coworker Sean Patrick Flannery (seriously, that's his name) to come and cover for me...so now I'm home eating easy mac which is so disgusting I want to die, but I'm hungry and it's the best we've got. I can't get in my own bedroom because Mike has my keys and he left without calling me so I have no idea where he is and he probably won't be back until after 5:00pm when he goes to my work to see that I'm not there and has to bus it back here.
It was snowing this morning and my windshield wiper blade on the driver's side only decided it wasn't going to work anymore, so that side of my windsheild was covered in snow and I had to basically sit in the passengers seat in order to see, and ended up jumping a curb going 50. It was so awesome.
My car also failed the emissions test last week, so awesome...I'm driving with expired license plate tags on a car that produces wayyyyy too much carbon monoxide.
Yep, that's it.