(no subject)

Dec 07, 2008 23:28

Title: Light My Way
Pairing: Orlando Bloom and Craig Parker
Rating: NC-17 overall
Summary: Um… there’s a lighthouse in it. Obviously. And two gorgeous men. Need I say more?
Disclaimer: We don’t know the real Craig and Orlando. We are only borrowing their lovely images for our story.

Chapter Seventeen

Orli isn't sure if Craig means for them to go out to dinner or maybe just out for a drink, but he immediately decides what he will wear. Slipping on a pair of clean black trousers and the same red shirt he wore the night he first seduced Craig at the lighthouse, he smiles at his reflection in the mirror and wonders if Craig will recall the evening that has a special place in Orli's memory.

Changing from his work clothes into black jeans and a light blue shirt, Craig slips on shoes and transfers his wallet and keys to his jeans pocket before returning to the hallway to find Orli already waiting. "Perfect," Craig smiles, gesturing towards the door. "Did you eat already?" he asks as he locks and checks the door once they are outside.

"No," replies Orli with a wide smile and a shake of his head. "I was waiting for you to get home before I cooked something," he explains as he falls into step beside Craig.

"Good," Craig says with a sigh of relief. "Because I am absolutely starving. And I know just where to go," he adds, leading Orli down the main street before turning off up a small lane and then into another one that appears to lead nowhere before he stops in front of a plain looking shop front. "It doesn't look much, but this place serves the best dim sum and noodles," he announces, pushing open the door to the softly lit interior.

"Awesome!" Orli says enthusiastically. He loves Chinese food, but he can't remember the last time he's eaten any that he didn't make or didn't involve something with school. The best part of eating out like this though is the fact that it's just him and Craig. Alone together, like a date. They'll even be eating the same type of food that Orli made for their "first date" at the lighthouse.

A petite Chinese lady welcomes them and guides them to a table before briefly explaining the menu options and taking their requests for drinks. "I've come here at lunch a couple of times with some of the others from work. It's nearly always packed in here that time of day, I guess it's a bit less so of an evening," Craig comments, several other tables occupied by diners but not enough to make it the noisy, hectic atmosphere of the lunchtime traffic.

Orli looks around the dining room then back at Craig, the smile still on his face. "You'll have to tell me what's good then. Do you have a favorite thing to get when you come here?"

"The pot stickers are great," Craig enthuses. "So are the ribs. The spring rolls are nice as well, and I'm quite partial to the won ton soup. I'm quite partial to all of it really..." he confesses.

"Then let's have all of it because I'm starving," laughs Orli as the waitress arrives at the table to take their order and bring their drinks.

Ordering up the set menu for two to give them a good variety, Craig settles back and takes a healthy swallow of beer, sighing contentedly. For a moment at least he can forget all the stresses of the day and just relax. "So how was school?" he asks Orli.

"Good actually. The instructor liked the salmon dish that we prepared. He said it wasn't 'fussy' which turned out to be a compliment because he said many times students get really eager to show off their expertise and use odd combinations of seasoning or some new and strange technique to cook and they forget about the most important thing. The taste! He said our seasoning combination was well chosen and a good compliment to the fish." Orli is animated as he talks about his class, gesturing with his hands as he shares his news with Craig.

Smiling to himself as he listens to Orli's excited chatter, Craig sips his drink and nods in agreement to some of the things being said. "You must have summer break coming up soon. When does that start?" he asks.

"Um..." Orli has to think about it for a moment. His time at the school has gone by so quickly. "In another month. Second week in July are our final examinations for the term."

"That's not too bad. Although it's a long break considering you just started really. Guess that's how it goes with a spring start though," Craig muses, looking up as the waitress returns to start piling dishes of food onto their table. "Did we really order this much?" he asks Orli when she leaves, the table barely visible under all the different things on it. "Hope you really are hungry. This is going to take some eating!" he chuckles, picking up his chopsticks.

Orli looks at all the plates of food and smiles. "Oh I'm hungry all right," he says as he tries to decide which dish to try first. "And I love Chinese leftovers. If there is anything left," he grins as he snags a dumpling and pops it into his mouth.

"We could be having leftovers for a while," surmises Craig as he wrangles a spring roll from a plate and dips it into some sweet chili sauce. "So good though," he sighs happily after munching his way through it.

"Mmmmm," murmurs Orli as the last of a noodle disappears between his lips. "You have to have some of this one," he says, pointing to a plate of lo mein. "'s really good, too."

"I'm getting there," Craig laughs as he nabs a duck pot sticker before trying some of the noodles and nodding his approval. "Well I had thought we might do something after this, but as it stands I might just be about able to roll home if I'm lucky."

"What were you thinking about?" Orli asks as he spots the ribs that Craig had mentioned earlier. "Better tell me now while there is still time for me to stop eating," he laughs.

"I don't know really. Maybe a club. Or just a bar somewhere. Or a movie if we're not too late. Whatever you feel like."

"That all sounds good to me," smiles Orli. "Okay... so I'll slow down on dinner and then we'll hit one of the clubs, yeah? I haven't been to one yet and I'd like to."

"Alright," Craig agrees. "Although we have to eat this anyway and I guess if we pretend to dance for a bit we can pretend we're working it all off?"

"That's true. So I can have another dumpling? Or four?"

"Knock yourself out," Craig nods with a smile. "It's not even that late really so we don't have to hurry this. The clubs will be open a while," he points out, helping himself to a wonton.

"Cool," Orli replies before biting into another dumpling. He chews happily, smiling at Craig as he enjoys this time spent with just the two of them.

Before long, Craig has to slow down on the food. "They might be small things but they sure add up fast," he murmurs, eyeing the remaining pot sticker and debating whether he can just about manage it or if it would be one bite too many.

"It's all so good though," Orli sighs as he leans back in his chair. "If I don't stop though, I will be waddling into that club. Not really an attractive look for me. Unless there is a duck looking to pick up or something."

"Well the bright side of that is if you regretted it in the morning, we could have crispy duck for lunch," Craig retorts with a completely straight face.

Orli laughs loudly, covering his mouth up with his hand but not before a few people turn around to see where it came from.

"I'm not sure what's worse. The fact I made such a tasteless joke, or the fact you found it amusing," Craig chuckles. "So, are you ready to move on or do you want a few more minutes?" he asks, finishing the last of his beer.

"I'm ready." Orli looks at the other tables, a sheepish expression on his face. "Better leave before they ask me to leave," he jokes quietly.

Signaling for the bill and paying with his card, Craig thanks the waitress for the wonderful food and then follows Orli out the door. "Hopefully now I've stood up it will all go down a bit," he laughs when they are outside. "Okay, so how do we pick a club?" he asks as they start to walk back more towards the centre of town.

"Is there a process?" Orli chuckles. "If so, I'm going to have to follow your lead since my experience with nightclubs is rather limited. They always look so glamourous and hard to get into when they show them on telly, but then those are the clubs in London."

"Ah, yeah," Craig had forgotten Orli has never been places like that before. "Mm. Well not sure we'll find anything too glamourous here, or even anything that hard to get into," he adds. "I did hear about one at work but I have no idea what it's like. We can try it I guess. I think it's down here somewhere."

"At work? What did you hear about it?" Orli questions his roommate as they continue down the street. "Anything I should know?" he asks.

"Nothing really other than it seems to be popular," shrugs Craig. "They're a young crowd though so it might be too racy for us..." he smirks.

"Speak for yourself," Orli says with a teasing grin. "But you can let me know if things start moving too fast for you, okay?" He punches Craig in the arm playfully then quickly moves away before Craig can retaliate.

"Be careful or I'll batter you with my walking stick," Craig warns, stopping at the corner of a road crossing the main one. "I think this must be it," he murmurs, looking at the nondescript building with only a neon sign above it's doors. "Seventh Heaven huh. I wonder what happened to heavens one to six."

"Dunno," snickers Orli as he follows Craig toward the door. "There's no line of people waiting behind a rope to get inside," he points out, a tinge of disappointment in his tone.

"I can form a queue of one if it makes you feel better?" offers Craig, thinking better of it when the burly guy on the door gives him a glowering look. "Or we could just go in and check it out." Opening the door and passing the bouncer, Craig finds himself in a swish looking foyer with a cloakroom and ticket desk.

"I feel underdressed," whispers Orli. "No coat," he explains when Craig gives him a questioning look.

"You'd only have to pay to leave it," Craig points out as he pays the six pound per person cover charge while desperately trying not to show his horror. "This place better be good," he murmurs to Orli as they head downstairs to double doors beyond which a throbbing dance beat can be heard.

They pass through the doors into a large room filled with the thumping sounds, flashing lights and a dance floor filled with bodies in motion. Orli smiles at the scene before them and nods his head approvingly.

Seeing the young girls on the dance floor with belts for skirts and not much else to protect their modesty, Craig does feel rather old. "You want a drink?" he asks Orli, leaning close to yell in his ear to be heard.

"No..." Orli shakes his head. "I want to dance!" he says loud enough to be heard over the loud music.

On top of all the food he's just eaten, Craig looks dubious about the idea but doesn't have a lot of choice when Orli grabs his arm and propels him through the crush of people to a minute space on the dance floor. "Are you sure about this?" he yells, already feeling a bit too friendly with the girl behind him who keeps brushing against his behind with her own.

"Sure I'm sure!" smiles Orli as he begins to move with the pounding beat of the music, joining in with the crowd around them.

They'd come here to dance after all, so gradually Craig blocks out the people around them as he gets drawn into the music.

Orli sways and bounces to the driving rhythm and pounding beat of the dance music, eyes closed and arms extended to the ceiling as he lets the music guide him.

Craig smiles to himself, Orli's dinner doesn't seem to be holding him back much. As the music changes into a different beat he steps aside a little into a gap to enjoy the extra space, tapping Orli on the arm to indicate the extra room.

Opening his eyes, Orli smiles brightly at Craig as he moves closer into their new found space. The expression on his face shows just how much he is enjoying the experience as they continue to dance.

After a few more tracks, Craig decides he needs a drink. It's hot on the busy dance floor. Leaning in, he asks Orli if he wants to grab a drink or stay on the dance floor a while longer.

Orli nods in agreement to Craig's offer of something to drink and follows him closely as he makes his way through the steadily moving crowd toward the bar. "It's great!" he says loud enough to be heard over the music, smiling as he gestures back toward the dance floor.

"Yeah? I'm glad you're enjoying it," Craig says over his shoulder as they reach the bar. "What you having?"

"Uhhh... beer's good," Orli replies with a lift of his chin. "You should let me buy this," he says as he starts to take out his wallet.

"It's fine, I got it," Craig dismisses, ordering two beers when the barman comes along and wriggling out of the crowd at the bar when he has them. "Let’s get out the way a bit," he suggests, moving over to a dim corner where there are hardly any people.

Orli takes a long draw on his beer and exhales with a satisfied sigh. "Are you having a good time?" he asks, smiling at Craig as he takes another drink.

"Sure. It's been a while since I've been in a club, but this is great," returns Craig with a nod. "I feel slightly over dressed though," he adds with a small smile when a girl passes by wearing what seems to be not much more than a bikini.

"Gets kinda hot on the dance floor I guess," observes Orli with a knowing smirk as the barely clad woman walks on by. "Feel free to take off whatever you need to though, okay?" he says helpfully, reaching out to lightly finger the buttons on Craig's shirt.

Laughing out loud, Craig shakes his head. "I don't think that's necessary or advisable unless you're looking to get this club cleared out in a hurry."

Orli's brow wrinkles and he takes a step closer. "What are you talking about? You've got a great body..." he says as his eyes drop to his fingers still tracing the outline of one Craig's shirt buttons.

"You're doing a good enough job of undressing me with your eyes, I don't need to do it physically," Craig murmurs, taking a swallow of his beer as he watches Orli's fingers against his shirt.

Orli lifts his gaze to meet Craig's. "Want me to stop?" he asks quietly.

Tilting his head slightly, Craig studies the brown eyes. "I doubt I can stop you even if I want to."

"Oh but you can." Orli lays his hand against Craig's chest, his palm flat over Craig's heart. "You have before."

"Last I checked I don't yet have the psychic ability to censor or read what goes on in your mind," Craig points out, placing his free hand on Orli's neck as he draws him closer to murmur in his ear. "Therefore you'll just have to tell me what you're thinking in all it's sordid detail so I can decide whether it should be censored or not."

Orli releases a slow, shaky breath, the intimately close contact making him feel lightheaded. "I'm thinking that being at a club with you is great..." He slips his arm around Craig's waist. "But I wish we were in our own private club. Like we had at the lighthouse."

Putting his drink on a nearby ledge, Craig smiles. "Flattering and undeniably sweet, but no censoring required. Yet…" he murmurs, taking Orli's drink from him also to set it aside. "What else you got?"

Orli swallows hard, but there's no holding it in now. Not any more. "I want to take you home..." He takes a deep breath to steady his nerves before he continues. "But when we get back home, I want you with me. Not in a separate bedroom. In my bedroom. In my arms. With me... making love to you."

Taking a slow, deep breath, Craig looks like he's considering what Orli has just said. "Maybe PG rating so far," he murmurs with a smile, sliding a hand up Orli's hip and leaning in closer. "I'm sure we can get it up to an X." Taking Orli's hand he turns and begins to lead him from the club.

With his heart pounding louder than the beat of the dance music, Orli hurries to keep up with Craig as he leads them toward the door of the club. The confession that he wants Craig has seemed so hard to say before but now that he’s done it, it's like a weight lifted. The fact that Craig seems agreeable to the idea makes him smile as they step out onto the street.

Outside, Craig heads for the line of taxis, ignoring the strange look from the driver when he gives him the address just ten minutes walk away. The taxi will be quicker. Indeed just a couple of moments later they are at the front door of their flat.

"Wait..." Craig murmurs as Orli puts the key in the lock, pushing him up against the door and keeping his hands on his shoulder as he kisses him hungrily. "Okay," he sighs when he pulls back. "You know, date etiquette and all when you bring someone home," he grins, turning the key in the lock and grabbing hold of Orli before he falls backwards as the door opens.

Chuckling softly as they tumble inside of their flat, Orli feels like he doesn't have enough hands to do all the things that he wants to do. He hurries to unbutton Craig's shirt, pulling him closer to claim his mouth for another heated kiss.

Fumbling blindly as his shirt slides down his arms as they kiss, Craig engages the lock on the door, almost falling over the telephone table as Orli urges him backwards in the still dark hallway. "I don't want to be just friends anymore," he breathes between kisses, his fingers already unbuckling Orli's belt as they move towards the bedroom. "Whatever I said before, forget it. I don't want anyone else to have you."

"Me, too. Can't stand the idea of you being with someone else. You're mine." Orli kicks his fallen trousers aside and reaches for the fastenings on Craig's jeans as they slowly shuffle their way toward the bed.

Leaving a trail of shoes and clothes behind them, they are both in an advanced state of undress by the time the bed hits the back of Craig's knees and forces him to sit. "Yours huh?" Craig smiles. "That sounds rather assertive, what are they teaching you in that school?" he mumbles, leaning forward to kiss across the warm skin of Orli's stomach and slide down his boxers revealing Orli's already aroused state. "Well someone’s happy," he smirks, sliding the tip of a finger down the rigid shaft.

Orli trembles with excitement at Craig's touch, leaning over to flick on the lamp on his bedside table. "I am happy," he says, smiling at Craig when the lamplight illuminates his face. "Guess Chinese food gives me courage," he says as he presses the palm of his hand against Craig's cheek. "I wanted to do what you wanted, but tonight when Owen..." Orli's voice trails off and he lowers his head to kiss Craig again.

Winding his arms around Orli's neck as they kiss, Craig pulls him down against him. "No Owen. Not tonight," he murmurs, pressing his lips to Orli's neck just below his ear and teasing the sensitive spot he knows lies there.

"Just you and me tonight..." Orli moans the words in a soft echo as Craig kisses and nips his neck. He pulls Craig into his arms, holding him like he never wants to let go of him as he leaves a trail of kisses of his own across Craig's shoulder.

As much as he'd like this to last, Craig isn't sure he can hold out all that long in reality. "I want you," he whispers, pressing his hips against Orli's with a soft moan to accentuate his need.

Gently pushing Craig onto his back, Orli murmurs soft words of desire as he covers his lover's chest and stomach with tender touches and feathery kisses. He's wanted this closeness with Craig again for so long.

Closing his eyes and just letting himself feel, Craig can hear his quickened pulse in his ears as well as his own soft murmured sounds of desire.

Orli moves lower, kissing the inside of Craig's thigh and nuzzling against the sensitive area where leg meets groin. He looks up at Craig and the expression on his face lets Orli know that he really does want this as much as he does. Leaning up, he reaches over his roommate to pull open the drawer in the bedside table. A new bottle of lube and an unopened pack of condoms, leftovers from the day after the last night they spent together. He'd put them away when Craig had made the decision to put the brakes on their intimacy.

As Orli deals with the cellophane seal still on the lube bottle, Craig decides to make himself useful by opening the condoms, removing one from its foil wrappings. "You want me to do this for you?" he asks with a lewd smile.

"Yes, please," replies Orli, returning Craig's smile. He runs his hand up and down Craig's forearm as he watches him roll the latex onto his eager erection. "My turn now," he murmurs as he squeezes some lube on his fingers, rubbing them together as he urges Craig to bend his knees.
Raising his legs, Craig keeps his eyes on Orli's as he feels slick fingers slide against the entrance to his body. He moans softly when he feels a finger press inside him, his hips tilting in invitation.

Placing another kiss on the inside of Craig's knee, Orli continues to prepare his lover. His body aches with a sense of urgency to be inside Craig again, but all he wants for him is pure pleasure and love, so he takes care to make sure that Craig is ready before he finally begins to push inside him.

Pushing back against the blunt pressure of Orli's cock, Craig whimpers softly as he is slowly filled. Wrapping his legs around Orli's hips to draw him even deeper inside, he snakes an arm around his lover's neck, wanting to keep the close contact with him even now.

Orli slowly leans into Craig, pushing deeper as he covers Craig's mouth in a claiming kiss. "Mine..." he murmurs against Craig's lips, his body taut with tension as he keeps from thrusting too hard.

"Then claim me, make me yours." Craig urges, his fingers pressing into Orli's back as he arches up against him and nips at his bottom lip teasingly.

Craig surrounds him and fills his senses. Orli moans wantonly and captures Craig's teasing mouth, ravaging it as any semblance of control slips away. He pushes harder into the welcoming and wondrous heat of Craig's body, telling his lover again that he belongs to him and no other.

Meeting every thrust with his hips as he clings tightly to Orli, Craig lets himself get washed away in the heat and sensation of being with him this way.

Sliding his hand downward, Orli palms the soft skin of Craig's balls and lets his hardened cock slide between his fingers as he continues the steady rocking motion of his hips.

"So good.." Craig pants, letting out a soft whimper when Orli's fingers touch him. As he much as he wants to the moment to last, he knows he's not going to be able to hold out too long. "Please..." he whispers.

The soft pleading sound of Craig's voice is too much for Orli. After holding back for so many weeks, the time for restraint is over. Wrapping his fingers around Craig's cock, his firm and determined strokes match the rhythm of his steady thrusts. He focuses on Craig's face and pushes for that pinnacle of pleasure, to watch the man he loves come undone.

Drowning in the dual assault on his senses, Craig doesn't hold back as he spirals into his climax, Orli's name a hoarse whisper on his lips as he trembles with the force of his release.

Orli moans loudly when the sensations of clenching muscle and Craig's shuddering body beneath him combine to push him to his own completion. He cries out as he comes and collapses against Craig's chest exhausted from their love making.

The only sound in the room is their softly laboured breathing and Craig closes his eyes for a moment to let his head clear, his hand caressing the back of Orli's neck where it lays. After a couple more moments he stirs and turns his head to look at his companion. "You okay?" he asks quietly, smiling softly at the slightly dazed look that remains in the dark eyes.

"I am now," whispers Orli as he stares back into Craig's gaze.

With a small nod of understanding, Craig places a kiss on Orli's forehead. "I'm sorry. But I had to be sure." he says quietly.

"I guess I did an even better job of hiding my feelings than I thought," Orli murmurs as he lays his head against Craig's shoulder.

"It wasn't so much that." Craig replies. "I had to be sure for myself, too. About both of us," he says softly. "The only way I could do that was by stepping back for a while."

Orli's arms tighten unconsciously around Craig. "But you're sure now?"

Meeting the brown eyes, Craig smiles. "I am now. But then I wouldn't turn down some more convincing..." he murmurs, leaning in to capture Orli's lips in a passionate kiss.

Returning the heated kiss, Orli practically purrs with contentment. He sighs softly and caresses Craig's face when they finally come up for air again. "I'm never not going to tell you what I'm feeling again," he tells Craig, his lips tilting into a tender smile.

Returning the smile, Craig is silent for a moment before reluctantly reminding himself of something. "Now all we have to do is explain this to Owen," he says doubtfully.

"I'll tell him. I'm the one who hasn't been entirely honest with him. He asked me if we were involved and I told him that we weren't. It wasn't a lie, but I could have told him then how I felt about you and I didn't."

"We'll explain it to him together," Craig corrects. "I just hope he understands. I wouldn't like it if you lost as him as a friend over a misunderstanding. But that's something to deal with tomorrow," he adds "not tonight."

"You're right. Tonight belongs just to us," Orli agrees, his hand skating over Craig's skin before pulling him closer against him for another kiss.

On to Chapter Eighteen

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