(no subject)

Nov 02, 2008 10:10

Title: Light My Way
Pairing: Orlando Bloom and Craig Parker
Rating: NC-17 overall
Summary: Um… there’s a lighthouse in it. Obviously. And two gorgeous men. Need I say more?
Disclaimer: We don’t know the real Craig and Orlando. We are only borrowing their lovely images for our story.

Chapter Thirteen

When Craig makes no attempt to refuse him, Orli smiles and makes a soft sound of murmured contentment as his hands slide beneath the hem of Craig's shirt. He kisses Craig's neck again, gently sucking on the tender area as his hands skate over the warm skin of his back.

Tilting his head as he arches slightly against Orli, Craig bites back the small moan of desire in his throat, silently berating his body for betraying him this way. But he can't really blame it. Orli knows well enough by now just how to get him to respond.
Pulling back, Orli takes hold of Craig's shirt and pulls it off over his head. He lowers his head to continue kissing across Craig's shoulder and chest now that the skin is bare to him. Tweaking one nipple with his fingers as he laves the other, Orli isn't disappointed in the response he gets, the sounds that Craig make sending jolts of desire to his own arousal.

Not to be outdone, Craig works Orli's shirt upwards and removes it between his lover’s exploratory kisses and hands that fumble with the fastening of his jeans. "Wait..." Craig breathes, trying to better position himself, but a two-seater sofa really does not offer much opportunity and his movements just end up sending them both rolling to the floor below, his own fall cushioned by Orli. "Oops. Are you okay?" he asks, even as he's laughing at the comedy of the situation and taking advantage of the switch of positions, his lips skimming over Orli's shoulder.

"I'm fine... soft landing..." Orli chuckles and kisses Craig's temple. "You know how much I like it when you're on top anyway," he teases, kissing Craig again as he reminds him of his favorite position from the infamous deck of cards.

"There's enough room on this rug that it can change," Craig replies as his fingers slide down Orli's stomach to his jeans and begins to undo them. So the momentary mishap might have been the perfect time to bring a halt to where things are heading, but Craig has to admit he doesn't want to. His resolve just isn't that strong.

Orli wriggles on the floor as he helps Craig remove his jeans. He kisses Craig and reaches for his jeans next as soon as he's free of his own, anxious to feel his lover's bare skin against his after the long weeks without any contact.

Somehow in the movies they always manage to make the undressing part look so sexy and elegant, but as he flails around trying to rid himself of the clinging remnants of his clothing, Craig thinks in reality it's anything but. The thought strikes him as funny and makes him giggle while he's flat on his back beside Orli on the floor, both legs in the air as he tugs off the offending jeans. "It's a wonder anyone has any energy left for anything else once they got this far," he grumbles in vague amusement, tossing the jeans aside and collapsing back to the rug.

Leaning over Craig and kissing him again, Orli laughs softly at Craig's frustrating struggle with his jeans. "You can relax now. I'll take care of you," he tells him as he straddles Craig's thighs and begins kissing his way down his chest and across his stomach. "You feel so good... taste so good..." he murmurs, swiping at Craig's skin with his tongue.

Sighing softly, Craig twines his fingers in Orli's hair and relaxes under the gentle touches of his lips, squirming slightly when Orli teases a particularly sensitive area.

"I remember this spot," Orli smiles, nipping gently at the tender skin that makes Craig fidget. His hand smoothes over Craig's stomach where he can feel the tremor of muscle beneath his fingers as his kisses take him lower where he leaves another nip on Craig's inner thigh.

"I obviously taught you too well," Craig mutters, even the soft bite on sensitive skin making him jolt slightly. "Tease," he growls, raising himself up on his elbows to look at Orli.

"You taught me just right..." Orli purrs as he rubs the juncture of groin and thigh with his thumb then lazily mouths the delicate skin of Craig's balls, continuing to tease with soft flicks of his tongue.

Craig shivers with a soft moan at the feather light caresses, bowing his back in an almost silent plea for attention where he most wants it and Orli seems determined to ignore.

Taking hold of Craig's straining erection, Orli swipes his tongue along it from base to tip before taking Craig into his mouth and sucking him in earnest. The sounds that Craig is making and the taste of his lover on his tongue make his own cock twitch in anticipation.

Watching Orli for a moment from his raised position and finding the sight of his cock between the red lips as erotic as the physical stimulus, Craig groans in incoherent appreciation before falling back to the rug. "I'm not gonna last..." he warns in a raspy tone.

"Mmmm..." Orli murmurs as he releases Craig and pulls back. "I want to be inside you when you come," he says as he looks up at Craig. "Is that okay?" he asks in a breathless whisper.

Craig just nods wordlessly. If they'd got this far, what was one step further? "Oh..." he murmurs sitting up slightly once more. "I don't have anything... do you?"

Orli doesn't understand the question at first, lost in a haze of desire, but his expression quickly deflates when he realizes that he doesn't have anything either. "Oh no..." he whimpers as his mind scrambles for an alternative. Any alternative to keep this from ending his reunion with Craig.

Taking that as a no, Craig can't help but see the irony. Twenty minutes ago he was looking for a way to put the brakes on, but right now in the state they are in it's not particularly welcome. "It's alright," he murmurs, Orli's pained expression a good enough reason not to cast aspersions about starting something they can't finish. "We'll just have to work around it."

"Work around it... yeah. We can do that," Orli says quickly, smiling as he drops another kiss along Craig's hip. He's relieved that Craig doesn't want to completely stop their intimacy because of their lack of supplies.

Sitting up slightly, Craig ponders the problem and can't quite see how you can just work around it given Orli's earlier words.

"How 'bout some more of this?" asks Orli as he rubs his open mouth along the length of Craig's cock.

Craig smiles slightly. "Well, that's always good," he murmurs, "but not very... together."

Orli lifts his head and smiles at Craig. "You have a suggestion?" he asks, his fingers still stroking the hardened length in his hand.

"Not while you're still doing that and I can't think straight," Craig chuckles. "And no, I don't really. I guess I just… wanted more," he mumbles with an abashed smile.

"I know... I wanted more, too," Orli sighs. "I just didn't think about getting anything, but at least I can make you feel good."

Craig nods slightly. "I think we both need that, so we can do it together," he suggests, pulling Orli down beside him and kissing him as his fingers wrap around his erection.

Softly whimpering into their kiss, Orli can't believe how good Craig's touch feels right now as he continues to work Craig's cock in his own hand.

A subtle shift in position and Craig is able to guide their hands around both of their cocks, their fingers interlacing as they set a steady rhythm. "Much better," he rasps, nibbling at Orli's lower lip before resuming the heated kiss.

Orli couldn't agree more, losing himself in Craig's kiss as they move together. Their goal is pleasure for one another and despite the change in plans, he feels as close and connected with Craig as he did before.

Moaning with the delicious friction on his sex, Craig slants his mouth away and glides his lips across Orli's throat and collarbone, leaving wet, sucking kisses in their wake.

Orli tilts his head to the side, exposing his neck for more of Craig's exploring kisses. Their interlaced fingers tighten as they move in steady rhythm and Orli's thumb rubs against the sensitive spot he knows that is beneath the head of Craig's cock.

Gasping an exhalation of warm breath against Orli's neck, Craig begins to move his hips in an ever increasing desire to create more friction between them as he chases the mounting sensations of pleasure.

"Feels so good... you feel so good..." gasps Orli, his hand working faster as Craig's hand quickens, too. He leans forward, his lips against Craig's shoulder as he moans his lover's name.

The increase in pressure and speed brings Craig closer to his peak until he finally gives in to the building pressure and climaxes with a strangled moan, biting down on his lip as his pleasure spills over their entwined fingers.

It's only moments later when Orli's body shudders in release, the pearly fluid from his climax intermingling with Craig's on their hands.

Laying still for a moment or two with Orli still pressed against him, Craig realizes he really has missed the contact that he had become used to and is reluctant to move away from it just now.

Orli's lips curve into a drowsy smile and he lets out a soft sigh of contentment. As much as their sexual contact, it's this quiet time of togetherness that he's been craving as well. He doesn't say anything or make a move to pull away from Craig, afraid to break the spell.

The first to move, Craig rolls onto his back and sits up slowly. "Guess we should get cleaned up before we go to bed," he murmurs, the moment feeling rather awkward somehow. Getting to his feet, he offers Orli a hand up.

Taking Craig's hand, Orli gets to his feet and slides an arm around Craig's waist to keep him close. "A shower sounds good," he agrees. Then bed. In separate bedrooms. Orli frowns as he follows Craig into the bathroom.

"You can go first," Craig indicates the shower cubicle that they definitely won't both fit into. Instead, he washes his hands under the tap and cleans his teeth while he waits.

Orli reaches for a towel then exits the shower. "All yours," he smiles, stepping aside so Craig can get by him. He finishes drying off then wraps the towel around his waist before he brushes his teeth and combs out his wet hair. Orli takes his time, wanting to still be there in the bathroom when Craig finishes with his shower.

Under the warm spray, Craig tries not to think about anything in particular, least of all what it means now Orli is in the frame again. Not even a day and already all his good intentions are out the window. Studiously, he lathers and rinses his hair thoroughly and then loiters under the water until he realizes Orli isn't leaving. Shutting off the spray, he grabs his towel and removes the worst of the water from his hair and body before wrapping around him and stepping out into the room now damp with clouds of steam.

"Feel better?" asks Orli as he leans against the counter, a sudden awkwardness making him feel clumsy and in the way. "Good water pressure," he adds with a bright smile, wanting to offer a compliment for Craig's choice in flats for them.

Pausing while he ponders if that is a euphemism for something else, Craig figures it actually isn't and that Orli is indeed talking about the plumbing. "I hadn't really thought about it," he murmurs, looking over his shoulder at the shower as if he's offended it by not noticing and then shrugs. "I'm off to bed."

"Okay..." Orli murmurs as he follows Craig out of the bathroom. "Wait..." he says quietly, reaching for Craig's hand when he turns to go into his own room.

"What?" Craig frowns slightly as Orli pulls him back from the doorway, wondering what the problem is.

"I don't want you to sleep in there," replies Orli. "I want you to sleep with me," he adds softly, a pleading look in his eyes.

Confused for a second, Craig stares at Orli. "Why?"

"I.. I..." Orli swallows hard and exhales slowly. "I've just missed it is all."

Craig sighs softly. "But we have two rooms. And I'm kind of used to sleeping on my own now..." he says quietly.

"Oh..." The disappointment is evident in Orli's face as he reluctantly lets go of Craig's hand. "Okay then..."

"I'll see you in the morning, yeah?" Craig mumbles, before he turns to enter his own room. Even though he knows it's the right thing to do, he still can't stand the wounded look Orli was giving him. But then Orli would get used to some independence eventually.

"Yeah. See you in the morning," Orli replies sadly as he remains standing in the hallway until Craig closes his bedroom door. With a quiet huff of disappointment, he heads toward his own room, glaring at the large empty bed as if it is to blame for his misfortune.


In the kitchen, Craig is just finishing up his breakfast when Orli emerges from his room. "The kettle just boiled if you want coffee, but we're nearly out of milk so you'll probably have to have toast and not cereal," he informs as he takes his things to the sink. "I'll get some more on the way home. See you later." Picking up his coat in the hallway and checking he has all he needs, Craig rushes out not wanting to be late his first day at a new job.

Orli stands in the hallway, still sleepy and rather dumbfounded as Craig hurries to leave. "I can go shopping today..." he says as Craig reaches for the door. "To get the milk… and anything else we need?"

"I started a list, on the fridge. I think. It's in the kitchen somewhere anyway. Don't worry too much though, we can go together later if you prefer," Craig rambles hurriedly as he pulls open the door to leave.

"Craig..." Orli grabs his roommate's hand before he goes. "Good luck on your first day," he says softly then gives Craig a quick kiss on the lips.

"Thanks,” Craig murmurs, managing a smile before his haste pulls at him again. "Damn, I gotta run. See you later!" he yells before heading out the door and closing it with a bang behind him.

"See you later..." Orli sighs and stares at the door. It appears that things are definitely going to be different from when they were at the lighthouse. He had been so hopeful the night on the couch, yet Craig appears to be even more distant since then so Orli isn't sure of anything at all. He hopes that maybe Craig is just jittery about all the changes and new starts and that he'll be able to get close to him again when things settle down.

He hopes.


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