(no subject)

Oct 16, 2008 20:02

Title: Light My Way
Pairing: Orlando Bloom and Craig Parker
Rating: NC-17 overall
Summary: Um… there’s a lighthouse in it. Obviously. And two gorgeous men. Need I say more?
Disclaimer: We don’t know the real Craig and Orlando. We are only borrowing their lovely images for our story.

Chapter Ten

His eyes flickering open, Craig is momentarily disoriented until he remembers coming to bed. Lifting his head he looks down at Orli still asleep next to him and falls back to the pillow, rubbing his eyes with the back of a hand and stifling a yawn. Judging from the murky light in the room, they have slept for a while and his stomach seems to concur with the idea when it grumbles complainingly. It's still raining and there's the occasional sound of wind blowing around them, but the storm itself seems to have gone at least. Slowly, he tries to retrieve his arm from beneath Orli, the limb feeling slightly numb and uncooperative.

Shifting when Craig pulls his arm free, Orli makes a soft, murmuring sound of protest and curls tighter against the warm body of his bedmate. Reluctant to open his eyes and give into wakefulness, he burrows his nose and hides his face.

Craig smiles at his bedmate. "Are you not hungry?" he asks, peeking under the covers at Orli.

Blinking sleepily, Orli looks up at Craig and smiles. "Yeah. But I'm still sleepy, too."

"Dilemma," Craig agrees. "With only one resolution. Stay here. I'll be back," he advises in his best Terminator-like tone before hopping out of bed. First off he runs upstairs to make a quick check of everything and is satisfied nothing seems to be amiss. The screen shows the dark splodge of storm much smaller and off to the West of them, definitely on its way out. Next he heads downstairs to the kitchen.

Snuggling deeper into his covers, Orli wonders what Craig is up to but he's feeling too lazy to go and find out so he waits in bed, comfortable and warm.

After making a couple rounds of sandwiches and piling them on a plate, Craig raids the cupboards for snack foods, shivering a little in just his underwear and bare feet. Topping off his small pile with a couple of cans of soda, he gathers the haul into his arms, the plate of sandwiches balanced precariously on top before he starts up the stairs.

"’kay. Picnic in bed," he announces when he enters the room, saving the plate before letting the box of cakes, the crisps and other items just fall to the covers before worming his way back under the duvet and back into the warmth.

Giggling as he retrieves a bag of crisps that bounce across the bed when Craig stretches his legs beneath the duvet, Orli tears into it and pops one into his mouth. "Mmmmm. That's quite good." He nods in approval as he reaches for one of the soda cans.
Pulling the things closer to them so they can recline and eat in the laziest way possible, Craig sighs with satisfaction before starting on a sandwich. "It's a bit slobbish to be eating in bed, but ah well," he shrugs, taking another bite.

"I won't tell anyone if you won't," smiles Orli as he munches on another crisp. "Anyway... after today... I feel like I've earned some time as a slob."

Done with his sandwich, Craig attacks the packet of cakes. "I don't think anyone’s going to be lecturing us anytime soon, so what the hell. Everything's fine, I checked, although an external check will have to wait till tomorrow cos I'm damned if I'm going out there now. Mm, these are good," he murmurs, pushing the cakes in Orli's direction and picking up the other soda.

"Thanks," Orli replies, snagging the cakes and plopping them into his lap before he takes a sandwich. "And not just for the cakes," he continues. "Thank you for helping me through the storm."

Just nodding around his mouthful of cake, Craig washes it down with some soda. "We slept through most of it," he points out.

"I know. And I couldn't have done that without you," Orli insists. "Hyperventilated until I passed out maybe, but definitely not sleep."

"I doubt it would have come to that," Craig replies with a look at Orli that says he really does hope it wouldn't have. "Anyway, you owe me a kid’s birthday party entertainment protecting so we'll be even," he adds with a small smile, snagging a crisp from Orli's open packet.

"And I'm good for it too!" he says earnestly before biting into his sandwich. "Just let me know when you get the invite," he mumbles around his mouthful before swallowing.

"Don't hold your breath on that one," Craig chuckles, unearthing a biscuit bar from the pile and unwrapping it.

"You doubt my ability to be able to protect you?" Orli frowns and gives Craig a serious look over his sandwich.

"No I just doubt the likelihood of me being invited to such a party anytime in the next... oh, century or so," Craig shrugs. "I don't really know anyone with kids. I don't really know anyone, period," he frowns.

"Really?" Craig's revelation surprises Orli. "Is that one of the reasons that you took this job?"

"Not especially. I just wanted a change of scene. But I guess I don't really have anyone to worry about. I had some friends at work although they were more acquaintances, other than that most of my 'friends' were people who Simon knew."

"And with your family so far away..." Orli continues quietly, Craig's isolation suddenly more clear to him now.

"Just as well cos if my mum knew I was eating this stuff in bed, she'd go nuts," Craig grins, tossing another crisp into his mouth. "Crumbs in the sheets… worst crime ever."

"Like I said... I won't tell if you don't," laughs Orli. He rips into the package of cakes and takes a big bite of one, leaving a smudge of filling at the corner of his mouth.

Having had enough of the snack foods, Craig relaxes back against the pillows and sips his soda, smiling at the chocolate on Orli's mouth. "Messy," he berates, reaching over to wipe the smudge away with his thumb.

"Wait..." Orli takes hold of Craig's hand and wraps his lips around his thumb, gently sucking it to remove the chocolate.

Watching Orli's lips wrapped around the digit, Craig feels a brief flush of heat in his skin. "Thanks," he smiles a little bashfully when his thumb slides free of the damp warmth.

"My pleasure," purrs Orli. "You taste good with chocolate," he adds with a smile as he licks his bottom lip.

"Good to know should I ever want to bathe in the stuff," Craig chuckles as he moves the remnants of their picnic to the floor to deal with later.

"I saw an ad for chocolate body paint. Have you ever tried anything like that?" Orli asks as plumps his pillow and lies down next to Craig.

With a small laugh, Craig shakes his head. "No. I'm not entirely sure I could take something like that seriously," he muses. "Food sex... not so sure about that at all."

"Aha! So there's something you haven't tried yet, too!" Orli says brightly, a bit of a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"Did I ever claim to have completed the sex manual?" Craig asks with a quirked brow of amusement at Orli's reaction. "I can tell you now, no one is coming anywhere near me with a frozen banana. No one," he stresses, pulling a face.

"Damn. There goes Number 28 on my list."

"Oh give over!" Craig scoffs, giving Orli a playful shove.

"Don't tell me you haven't thought of it!" Orli teases, laughing as he gives Craig a return shove. "You brought it up after all."

"As a negative, in case that escaped your attention!" Craig sputters. "At least I'm not the pervert that had it on a list," he adds with a smirk.

"It's not really on my list. I don't even have a list." Orli waves his hand, chuckling at the idea of Number 28 if he did have one.

"No, just a pack of playing cards to work through," Craig snickers.

"Lucky for you there's no pictures involving frozen bananas on the cards, eh?" jokes Orli. "I really do want to try the ones we talked about though... if you do?" he asks as he looks at Craig, blatant hopefulness all over his unschooled features.

"What did we talk about?" Craig asks slowly, his recollection of their card game and conversation not really all that clear as he tries to remember what he might have agreed to.

"You asked me what card... I mean what position that I liked and I showed you. You don't remember? The one where I'd be on my back and you'd be..." Orli demonstrates with a wave of his arm as he tries to spark Craig's recollection.

"Oh, and I'd be..." Craig rolls over in the bed and straddles Orli's hips. "Somewhere about here, right? I remember," he grins.

Orli's mouth drops open in surprise when he finds himself with a lap full of Craig. He recovers quite quickly though, smiling up at Craig as he takes hold of his hips. "Yeah, right here."

With a smile Craig leans closer to Orli, rolling his hips forwards slightly as he does and stopping with his face just a centimeter from Orli's own. "And now what?" he asks seductively, searching the brown eyes.

"Now this," replies Orli, closing the tiny distance between them as he presses his lips against Craig's. The kiss starts gently then grows hungrier as Orli's hands slide from Craig's hips up his back beneath his shirt, pulling him closer.

Leaning into the kiss, Craig lets Orli have his way for a moment before he pulls back just enough to be out of reach. "Doesn't the person on top get control?" he asks slyly, pinning Orli's wrists by his sides when his hands continue their wandering. From his position, Craig leans down and begins to kiss a slow path across Orli's collarbone, teasing with his teeth and tongue whilst still keeping his partner restrained.

"The one on top isn't always the one in control..." Orli muses aloud, his thoughts interrupted as he lets out a small groan of pleasure when Craig rakes his teeth over a particularly sensitive spot.

"No, but allow me a moment of giddying power trip at least," Craig murmurs, smiling against Orli's warm, bare skin. With a small sigh, he sits up again, releasing Orli's wrists from his grasp. "Okay, oh master, what would you bid me do?" he asks, complete with a mock bow.

"This is good," Orli nods enthusiastically. "It might be more fun if we weren't wearing any clothes?" he asks, almost tentative in his request despite his early assertion that he should be the one in control.

Looking down at himself, Craig nods. "We can fix that." he replies, pulling off his t-shirt before hooking his fingers in the waistband of Orli's pajama bottoms. Wriggling around a bit, he starts to ease them down until Orli's helpful attempt of lifting his hips unbalances Craig from his position and he sprawls forwards onto Orli's chest.

Giggling, Orli takes advantage of Craig's impromptu closeness, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him. "They make it look so easy in the movies," he laughs as his hands begin to wander again, slipping below the waistband of Craig's boxers.

"Porn movies?" Craig asks, kissing his way down Orli's chest and cheekily tugging on an erect nipple with his teeth.

"Yeah..." Orli groans, arching his back as he pushes into the pleasure of Craig's mouth. "It feels so good when you do that. Sends a jolt directly to my cock."

Laving the bud with his tongue, Craig feels his own sex throb at the soft sounds Orli makes. "Okay, where were we..." he breathes, "...clothes." Once more, he begins to tug Orli's pants down and succeeds in getting them at least as far as his knees before he's distracted again. "Where'd this come from?" he asks, tracing the lines of a sun tattoo close to Orli's hip.

"What?" Orli leans up to see what Craig is referring to. "Oh that. I got it when I was fourteen. Bloke at school bet me I wouldn't, so I did. Stupid reason, huh?"

"Not the most valid reason I've ever heard admittedly," Craig agrees, wriggling out of his boxers before crawling back up Orli's body. "There. Declothing accomplished," he announces.

"Yeah," Orli says brightly, taking hold of Craig's cock and slowly stroking it as he looks up at him. "I do like this," he murmurs, his eyes focused on Craig's face as he steadily works the hardening length in his hand.

His breath hitching at the contact to his arousal, Craig lets out a slow breath. "It's looking good," he concurs, smoothing a palm over Orli's chest and letting out a soft groan as a thumb deftly swipes over the head of his cock.

Orli's own cock aches in anticipation as the silken steel of Craig's cock slides through his fingers. "We need... I need... supplies," Orli stutters as his hand slows. The situation is heating up more quickly than he anticipated and he doesn't want it to be over without reaching his final goal.

"Eh? Oh. Mm, hold on…" Craig murmurs, lurching towards the bedside cabinet across Orli and scrabbling around in the drawer. Feeling something like foil he pulls it out and frowns at the headache tablets. "Hopefully neither of us need those right now," he mumbles to himself, fishing around some more until he finally finds a condom and the lube.

Orli laughs as Craig returns the headache tablets to the drawer. "I want this one," he says as he takes the lube. Quickly slicking his fingers, he urges Craig to kneel up a bit as rubs them against his opening.

Taking charge of the condom, Craig begins to open it and nearly tears through the whole thing when Orli slides two slick fingers inside him. With a gasped moan, he places a hand on Orli's chest to keep his balance. "It's fine. You took me by surprise is all," he murmurs seeing Orli's abashed expression. Biting his lip to try and keep his concentration in the circumstances, Craig deftly and quickly rolls the condom into place, stroking Orli's cock with his fingers as he adjusts to the ones sheathed in his body.

Orli tells himself to be more careful, but Craig's fingers stroking his cock make him want to be inside him even more. Slowly scissoring his own fingers inside Craig's tight opening, he works eagerly to prepare his lover.

Craig shudders when Orli's fingers brush over the bundle of nerves inside him. "Enough," he rasps, ready for something more than just fingers. Once Orli has ceased, Craig positions his weight on his knees and guiding Orli's sheathed cock to his entrance, he sinks down slowly with an exhaled moan.

"You feel so good..." Orli breathes the words as the tight heat surrounds his sex. Taking hold of Craig's hips when he begins to move, Orli groans with pure pleasure. He knew that he would like this position, he just didn't know how much.

Curling his fingers around the back of Orli's neck, Craig pulls him closer for a heated kiss as he moves his hips experimentally, finding the angle that works for him. "God, it's so deep this way," he groans.

"Oh yeah..." Orli moans as he wraps an arm around Craig's waist, holding him tighter as he thrusts up into the clenching heat of his body.

Winding his arms around Orli's neck, Craig brings the pace almost to a stop as he just rolls his hips against Orli's, his body flexing around the hard shaft inside. There's no rush. Claiming Orli's mouth once more, he kisses him and teases his tongue with his own, his actions eliciting the erotic sounds he was hoping to hear.

Orli leans his head back, breathless from Craig's kiss. He stares into the blue eyes looking back at him as if mesmerized as they continue to move together. Blinking, he finally looks away. He buries his face against Craig's shoulder, certain that if he looks too long into Craig's eyes that he will be able to see how Orli feels about him.

Starting to move in earnest once more, Craig uses his hold on Orli as extra leverage while he finds a rhythm with his hips that suits them both. "Touch me," he whispers against the dark hair, needing more contact with his lover.

Wrapping his fingers around Craig's cock, Orli strokes him, falling into the same rhythm of their movements. His breath sounds loud beneath the curtain of his hair, his eyes focused on his hand as it moves steadily working Craig's sex.

Whimpering appreciatively at the stimulation to his throbbing sex, Craig is aware of the sudden shyness Orli seems to be suffering. Placing a hand under his chin to tilt his face up he searches the dark eyes. "Remember why you wanted this position?" he asks breathlessly, inclining his head to nibble at Orli's lower lip.

Orli does remember and he returns Craig's kiss hungrily. He's never felt this close, this intimate with someone before and the intensity of what he's feeling is heightened by the fact that he's sharing with Craig.

Contracting his muscles around Orli's cock each time he lifts his hips and sinking back down fully to sheath him inside, Craig moans into their kiss, his breathing ragged and uneven. He pulls away when he feels the tension centering at his core, his hands on Orli's shoulders to balance him when his movements become more frantic in search of the pleasure he seeks.

Looking up at Craig with his eyes closed and a soft flush of his cheeks, Orli can't recall seeing anything more beautiful than his lover like this. He's also filled with a sense of pride that he is the one that is making Craig feel this way. He's the one who is going to make him come undone.

With Orli's fingers matching each slide of his hips on his cock, it doesn't take much more for Craig to reach the pinnacle of his need, a strangled whimper in his throat as he comes, his hips twisting and grinding against Orli's own as he milks every last drop of pleasure from his climax.

Craig's muscles clenching around him and the sound he makes as he climaxes are all that's needed to push Orli over the edge with him. He comes with a muffled cry, his face pressed against Craig's shoulder as he holds him close.

Pushing Orli back against the pillows of the bed when he leans forward against him, Craig remains as he is for long moments. The only sound in the room is that of their combined breathing and heartbeats as they recover from their exertions. Wriggling a little in place, Craig murmurs under his breath, reluctant to move yet understanding his current placement is not so comfortable for either of them. Slowly, he lifts himself once more and releases Orli from his body before stretching out his weary legs beside him.

Orli's limbs feel like lead weights as he moves to dispose of the condom and get a warm, wet flannel for Craig before returning to the bed. "I do like that position," he says as he hands Craig the damp cloth before stretching out beside him on the bed.

The cloth is a habit Craig finds sweet somehow, but it's not really a necessity for Orli to provide every time. "You don't have to keep bringing me these," he smiles. "Not that I don't appreciate the gesture, but I tend to mess you up more than myself.." he points out, using it anyway while he has it. "So another card on the fridge then," he teases, dropping the cloth beside the bed and curling into the warmth of Orli and the covers.

"Yeah, another card," agrees Orli as Craig snuggles up against him. He stares up at the ceiling, the same thoughts running through his mind. He wishes he could tell Craig that what they're doing is more than just a collection of cards of the refrigerator. Much more.

"You alright?" Studying the pensive expression on his companion’s face, Craig wonders what's on his mind. "Still unsettled by the storm earlier?" he asks, smoothing a palm over the flat plane of stomach beside him.

"The storm? Oh no, I'm alright," replies Orli. "Thanks to you. Not sure what I'd have done without you here."

"You'd have managed, whoever was here," Craig assures, his mind briefly wandering to the knowledge of what had happened to Orli and his brother. "It will get easier, I think. In time," he murmurs softly.

"I really am in the wrong profession, aren't I?" Orli shifts, turning to face Craig. "Problem is, I don't know how to do anything else."

"You can learn," Craig reasons. "Although I know it's not so easy making the jump like that. But I'm guessing after all this time, you must have saved a reasonable sum of money from doing this job. Maybe the time is coming to use that and make the change," he suggests softly.

"I've thought about it. Even thought about going back to school. It's just hard though, when you get used to something. To leave it and try something new," replies Orli. "What about you? Do you think you want to keep doing this?"

Craig shakes his head. "No. I don't mind the work so much, but the isolation is more than I can handle for too long. Eventually I guess I'll go back to the city and find another job, another poky rabbit hutch to live in and carry on again," he smiles.

At least I have you here with me for a little longer. Orli nods as if to say he understands and agrees when what he really wants to say is "Take me with you when you go."

"I'm just looking forward to the day I can put down roots and stick for a while. It gets tiring moving around too much," Craig continues. "But you should look into school. It would be a whole new adventure," he encourages.

"Putting down roots sounds good. Think you'll do that in London?" asks Orli.

Wrinkling his nose slightly, Craig shrugs. "I'd prefer somewhere a little more away from the rat race, but not so far out they inbreed," he chuckles.

Orli laughs and nods; he's known some areas like that himself. "London might be too much for me, too. I'm sure it's a far cry from living in a lighthouse."

"Just a bit," Craig agrees, lost in his own thoughts for a moment as he gets more settled under the covers. "I'd like to be somewhere peaceful, without being too far from civilization. After all, I have to have room for my mansion, cars and slaves," he laughs, shaking his head at himself.

"Maybe I can come live with you and be one of your slaves. The sex kind. Once I've been properly trained and all?" jokes Orli.

Craig falls quiet for a moment at the words. "Or, you know, you could just come stay for a while and look into schools and things. Assuming I eventually get settled somewhere when I'm done here," he murmurs.

"Yeah?" Orli sits up and leans over Craig. "Really? You'd let me stay with you?" he asks, smiling with excitement that their time together in the lighthouse might not necessarily be the end of their relationship.

Looking from left to right and then back at Orli again, Craig wonders what he missed. "Aren't we kind of staying together right now?" he asks. "I'd have to get a roommate to afford to live anywhere decent anyway, so if you seriously want to look into other options…" he shrugs. "It's not like you're not used to my bad habits already."

Orli nods, still smiling from ear to ear. "Oh I'm serious all right. Very serious. And having a roommate would help me out a lot, too. Especially one who knows all my bad habits." And I won't have to let you go and say goodbye.

"Okay then. We'll work on a plan," Craig replies. "Neither of us are going anywhere for a while, so we have time to figure this out properly."

"A plan. That's good. It's good to have a plan," agrees Orli, feeling more optimistic about his options after their current job comes to an end.

"Are you going to tell your parents about this plan?" Craig asks after a moments pause.

Orli thinks about it for a moment then shrugs. "Eventually. I'll have to tell them where I'm living after all."

"Yeah. Probably be best to leave it until after the event," Craig agrees noncommittally. "Humm, I think I'm going to take this stuff back to the kitchen and then have a shower before bed," he says then. "I'm not convinced I don't have crumbs sticking somewhere. You want to join?"

"Yeah," smiles Orli as he helps Craig gather some of the things to take back to the kitchen. Any reason for the opportunity to see Craig naked is not one he's willing to pass up.

On to Chapter Eleven

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