Aug 10, 2008 06:17
We managed to do two calls tonight.
1. Pediatric transfer of a kid who fractured his leg playing football
2. A guy who was pushed at a bar who was experiencing toe pain.
The sun is just starting to come up here and that means there's less than two hours left of work. Today I'm going to go home, try to sleep early and then wake up at 4 and head off to the gym.
Yesterday I came home fell asleep around 10 and then woke up at 3 with the dog acting crazy because some how he managed to hear the rain over the AC and the fan on high. I got up because I knew the windows were open so I closed them. Well apparently I missed all the rain because it was all over the floor. So I quickly cleaned that up and went back to bed and slept until 7pm.
The weather was very fall like this weekend. At the airport it's 53 degrees but it's probably colder where I am. So what do you call this, Indian Fall? It's supposed to be this cold again tonight so I'll probably bring my commando sweater.