Mar 30, 2005 22:27
Went to the doctor today cause I thought I might be getting strep (strept? spelling?) throat. Good news is I dont. The doctor ended up writing me a couple of prescriptions. He said "Well I can't really give you anything to make it go away" ::enter my sad face:: "BUT...I CAN give you something that will make it alot more fun!" I think student health center doctors know what is up. He knew that if he didnt prescribe me something I was just gonna drink until my throat stopped hurting ( a self medication I have administered the last few nights for it). So anyways this stuff he gave I can totally see how people get hooked on pain killers cause these arent even close to that and I'm having a good time.
Drug A: 1 pill is roughly the equivalent of 5 redbulls in my energy category. Might be speed.
Drug B: Completely numbs my throat, but doesnt stop there. The feeling, mood, and color could best be described as mellow.
The weird thing tho is that I am supposed to take both. So here I am, wide awake and completely 100% relaxed.
Tomorrow I'm getting together with a guy that I'm gonna start a band with. I'm pretty pumped about the possibilities, but also aware that I've tried to start bands before and it ended up not going anywhere. I would really like to get a full band together tho one of these days. Would be a cool thing to do. I'm always jealous of bands cause they can just let loose and rock out, while I play laid back acoustic guy. Maybe thats just it though: everyone wants what they can't have.
Good game,