(no subject)

Sep 25, 2006 12:46

hahahahahaha i just realized how i can't remember how long it's been since i've had a real kiss and i realized that all i talk about on livejournal is how i never get laid. haha i just remembered how i have a picture of lauren's tittys that i'm gonna post now on christinas page. anyways though.....i have my house to myself until saturday, isn't that reason to get laid? ummm i might have 2 baths set up coming this week but whatever dude what ever happend to me being pimp. saturday night was sams birthday and she went to flogging molly (the third time) and i was gonna surprise her and show up but the show sold out...LAME, so instead i went bowling with LON, Ariel, and the buddies they brought.....it was fun and i actually won, which never happends usually cuz i like to be cocky and ruin my chance of winning. ariel took dank pics she still hasn't posted.

I'm not sure where i got this but i wish i could do art like it...maybe i should start paining again, maybe this is my new inspjkdsfhjdhjdfstion cant spell.
Yesterday teren got a 800 octane tattoo, it's pimp. me sam and amira came with him and i backed out of getting a tattoo with him BUT i'm getting this bat next month or in 2 weeks or whatever
well this post is way too long cuz i'm bored cuz i skipped french....nowhere to stay tonight someone call me...... or whatever.
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