Well, don't know if you saw this coming or not, but actually the first on my list is also the scariest, most thought provoking, most meaningful and most insane piece of work i've even seen in any medium (movies, books or games), and it's Silent Hill 2. but the freakiness factor falls from there, afterwards it's SH 3 and 4, and then fatal frame, I dunno though, 3 wasn't really that scary, it just had a good sountrack....anyway, nevermind the third game, SH 2, 4, and fatal frame, in that order. This had to be a long comment because well i'm quite talkative when it some to silent hill anythings, ESPICALLY SH2.
I see. Well I recently played Silent Hill 2 because my sister bought it recently and I wasnt actually able to do it because I couldnt do something as simple are directing the guy on where to go. And I couldnt get anywhere that I get to kill things. I want to kill things, also why I didnt really like Fatal Frame II but meh. Still freaked me out, Silent Hill 2, has yet to freak me out.
ahh yeah, definately a drawback, if it's your first time playing, usually it sucks (it's what I thought my first play), using a strategy guide would help, hell I had to use one. but in SH2 you can kill lots of things, then step on all of them
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