Mar 20, 2006 08:13
Yep, well, a couple days ago I got my DS working again, here's the deal, the bottons stopped working, I opened it, it worked for about two days, then stopped again, I opened it back up again, fixed it even harder, and it's worked since then. pretty sweet. more and more DS stuff is coming out, i'm really just talking aboot Metroid right now, looks pretty sweet....but still, Drakengard 2 (not for DS....PFFT), i'm pretty sure i'll have that after we move, I hope. A cool tidbit of info about the first one that I forgot about. According to the "legends" of Drakengard backround, the seeds of ressurection appear when the world ends, and that's just what happens, you get to see the apocalypse, and then some. So yeah, laptop buying is supposed to be happening this week, so is the moving to a new apartment, crazy stuff, hopefully the buying will happen early in the week...i'm going to have that thing with me everywhere. so yeah, I fired up doom 3 last night with all the lights off, didn't think it would be a big deal, but noooooo, whoever does the sound on that game needs some kind of praise, hidden messages, klaxons, whispers. I was just thinking of the doom movie I actually didn't think it was a failure, I mean, I didn't think it was great or anything, if I were some awesome-cool director I would've done it differently. Doom3 at least, feels like a slow decent into insanity, violent insanity, and instead the movie was pretty much all action, and popcorn scares, nothing insane or hopeless about it at all, just lots of shooting, at things that apparently didn't even come from hell, oh well.... well, since all I can talk aboot right now are games, I think i'll go, laters