Someone to watch over me.......

Oct 03, 2005 19:26

My favorite.......Have you ever thought that everyone else around you was going crazy, and then suddenly the epiphany hits, and you realize that you're the one who's actually crazy? I'm so lost. I've definitely had the most interesting senior year, yet I would give anything to be able to go back to the way things were. Clutch it like a cornerstone. I tend to have a hard time letting things go. It took me forever to realize there is nothing left in band for me. The music was completely lost; a tragedy in itself since the ballad was absolutely beautiful. This weekend will be HPIMBF. This should have been the best HPIMBF ever, for so many reasons, all of which are gone now. We should have been reliving our senior moments, and all the other great times we've had in band. We should have been guides and hung out with all of our friends. We should have been ready, and proud, and excited to perform for the last HPIMBF. And all of that was taken from us. How one person could take a show that was handed to him, and single-handedly destroy it so completely that nothing could be done to salvage it is absolutely amazing to me. We fought so hard to keep it, to save it. I feel so bad for leaving those that actually still care alone, Jen and Mandy and a few others. Life without band is really weird. Some really great, unexpected things have come with it, yet, of course, that small hope of happiness is shadowed by other conflicts. I thought I would have more time to practice; instead, I simply have tons more added on. I really loved having to practice for allstate. It made me focus and it gave me a strict deadline. I love being pressured to fulfill a tight deadline, as long as it's possible.....hinthinthint. I've lost all of my friends in this band catastophe. Oh well. I'm leaving soon anyways, so I guess it's better now than before. I really dont' even know why I'm writing anymore. I need arby's.
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