Jun 16, 2004 21:32
so...the last few days have been quite boring and sad. i havent really done ne thing except boring stuff like yard work and grocery shopping, etc.
My sister's best friend's dad died, who is also my dad's really good friend and its very sad. we have his viewing tomorrow and his funeral the next day :(
today, i had to go to the grocery store by my self for my mom with a list and i had to use a cart and it wasnt cool. i hate carts. but then i saw the guy i am totally infatuated with. so it was ok. and i saw andy and michelle and janet there and they helped me figure out what a uh....another word for a strainer (i forgot) was.
it was nuts.
today me and my dad found a car and we were gunna go ack and see if it was good enough to buy but then my sister yelled at me and it was my fault of course so we didnt go back and i was sad..
well....i have nothing else to say right now