May 17, 2007 12:43
I have a question? Why does the weather suck?!?!? I'm currently on a really long break at uni and I can't be bothered doing any proper uni work so I've been browsing the world news on BBC (as you do lol). Cuz I am getting super bored I decided to look at weather forecasts for around the world... Ok... So its mid-May... In two weeks Winter is supposed to start and I'm pretty sure thats when summer starts in Europe... It seems to me that the southern hemisphere has stollen our winter and we've decided to keep summer. I looked up Brussels and there max temperature this week is going to be 21degree's (69 fahrenheit) ...WTF??? Thats not almost summer weather!!!! That should be what we're going through right now!!! There minimum gets down to 8-3 degrees... we're only get that at night in the middle of winter here whats going on!? Then look at sunny old Brisbane here... Our minimum for this week is going to be 15 degrees, which is cold but nothing compared to 8-3 and it only gets down to 15 at night.... our max is steady around 27 degrees. So while we should be pretty much in winter weather we are stuck in summer with 27 degree weather (it was still 30 like 2 weeks ago!!!) and Brussels and Europe should be in summer pretty much and they have 21 degrees as a max!! Its not fair! I really want winter to come around. They should be the one with 27 degree weather and we should have the 21 degrees! I have this sad feeling that we aren't going to get a winter this year, which really makes me sad because winter is so much better than sweating and dying in our ridicously hot summers. I like winter fashion so much better! I want to wear a pair of boots and jackets and be able to walk around my house in flanlette pj's instead of singlets and shorts, I want to put my mink blanket on my bed cuz its soft and then snuggle under the covers, I want to have to wear socks or slippers around the house because the tiles are too cold, I haven't been able to do any of this yet!! Gordon hasn't needed to wear any of his winter jackets and it looks like I'm going to have to get his fur cut because I haven't done it in awhile because he needed his winter fur, but it looks like he won't be needing it... ! we still only had a sheet on our bed a couple of weeks ago and sometimes had the fan on at night.
Please whatever controls the weather give us Aussies a break and cool the weather down for us... I have an idea, why don't you swap our weather will Europes weather, not forever, just for the winter months. We really need the break from the heat, its frying our brains. And since you'll be swapping the weather over for us, make sure you chuck in some of that European rain I endured for 6 months in Belgium, you know the kind where you only see sunlight for a week in three months? Thats what we need, desperatly, like now... Our famers and gardners will love you for it, not to mention all us people who would have no water to drink in a couple of years and then would flock to other places to steal theirs.
...Or I should just move back to Europe and enjoy their "summers" since its colder than our "winter" and I'll have more chance of getting cold.