Lately I've been noticing that despite my organized living alone + pet keeping + work + uni chores routines are all in check and perfectly regulated and all, inside I'm in a huge turmoil, that there's something missing and distressing me.
As you can see in the user info and the initial post, I opened this also journal for a fic I was going to write when I had the time. Well, I don't have time. None, actually, at all. It's insane.
But I've come to realize that I miss writing, the buzz of working my brain of the plot, living the characters, creating and the wonderful near-addictive rush of...something...when I'm high on too much coffee and listening to great music.
It's been almost two years now since last I wrote something, after almost five years of always writing things. I thought writing is something that will keep my brain away from focusing on uni properly, but I've discovered I need it like I need oxygen, it's as big a part of me as loving animals and I must sate that need. Even if it's just fanfiction, even if I'm once again jamming my original character into other people's shows, even if people won't like it; I need to write for me, for my own sanity.
So it's now 23:07 and I haven't had more than four hours of sleep tonight, but I'm going to get a refreshing shower and then I'll drink some fuck!strong coffee and then I'm going to sit in my room, in the dark, and listen to music while writing, just like I did five years ago when I started writing Legend.
And I'm going to get a proper beta, and post it on and the LJ Doctor Who community, and obviously here. I need this.
On a side note,
it's good to get the ol' evolutionary-thinking neurons going once in a while. Also, I'm absolutely inlove with this community, I think it's one of the most positive things LJ's ever come up with or contains in general.