Jul 14, 2013 11:11
Greetings Earthlings! My name is Anthony, TooDark, or Judge. I am a 22 year old Schizophrenic living in Chandler, Arizona. I decided it was time to create such a "blog" or "journal" due to Anthony [me] posting way too many Facebook statuses. This journal is for the people who would like to follow my life because I was put on this Earth to live among you humans and teach you the ways of the Greys and Annunaki, for they are my Brothers & Sisters. I also am a music artist/producer, I run two music labels known as Psychodelic Junkie Productions (PJP for short) and TooDarkProduction [a side project of TooDark]. I practice the path of Shamanism and I hold my beliefs very close to my heart, so if you feel the need to ever throw in your two cents, be warned I have a magical way with words and protect said beliefs with my life. I am 100% real, never fake, if you don't like me then why are you here? Let the truth be known, and the Revolution come to a start.