Fall and Autumn

Nov 14, 2011 10:05

Happy Fall everyone. Sorry I have not been here in months. Life has been busy which is a good thing. It's too bad I missed Halloween here which is one of my favorite holidays but I was celebrating it for real at home. It's still Fall though and Thanksgiving's right around the corner. Don't forget that as stores try to shove Christmas in our faces ( Read more... )

squirrels, fruit, fall/autmn, sun, dogs, birds, leaves, weather, pumpkins, animated, hearts

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Comments 8

vivid_moment November 14 2011, 15:07:57 UTC
Lovin' these all so much, thanks so much for posting them ;) I've been missing the posts here XD!


thagirion November 14 2011, 15:33:57 UTC
I'm glad you like them. I'm going to try to keep up with this better. The file for Sept 2009 is small so I'll try to post those over the week.


(The comment has been removed)

thagirion November 14 2011, 22:40:13 UTC
I love that one too. Thanks.


zen_sakka November 14 2011, 18:29:05 UTC
Took 12 and 18. I *love* this community - I thought it was closing!


thagirion November 14 2011, 22:40:58 UTC
Thanks. Nope it's not closing. I'm putting everything up slowly but surely and will leave it up as an archive once I'm done.


havers November 15 2011, 13:04:59 UTC
These icons are lovely.


thagirion November 15 2011, 16:13:20 UTC
Thanks. I'm gald you like them.


acciochocolate June 4 2020, 11:28:02 UTC
hope these get reposted!


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