Vitamin C everyday keeps the doctors away!

Jun 20, 2004 19:31

So Devon came over this weekend and I had so much fun. I haven't seen her in such a long time. Devon will e posting stuff about it too. Here we go....

So yesterday we went to the mall and we were standing in line to get something to eat and there were the two OLD guys stand in the other line across from us. So we look over and they are both staring at us so we get creeped out and we are like just dont look at them and we cant help it and we look over there and everytime they were looking. Then the line moves up so they couldn't see us anymore and then they get there food and go sit down and we could see them. So we get our food and we go sit down by everybody and Devon looks over and they are sitting like five tables away. I was the funny most annoying thing EVER!!! But we had fun. Then we are walking throw the mall and ongie said that old guys kept watching us. It was weird. Me and devon were thing is that a complement or does that mean we are ugly or what??? Cause I dont know about anyone else but I dont like nasty old MEN looking at me. SO then we go to K-mart and there are old mexicans that were like following us around the store and they were gross.

I would post more but it is to long.. I will post about it later.

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