blinded by the text

Dec 31, 2019 23:57


John Egbert, Heir of Breath
heterosexually ≈ ectoBiologist

john's quirk is sort of simple, he doesn't use any capitalization but otherwise he has almost perfect grammar and syntax. he doesn't talk all fancy and verbose like rose, and actually he sort of talks like a normal thirteen year old kid except without the chatspeak! he also tends to sort of ramble on and use a lot of punctuation when he's excited!!! and he'll throw in the occasional silly emote. :B

Rose Lalonde, Seer of Light
augured ☀ tentacleTherapist

Rose speaks with perfect grammar and syntax. She tends to use rather large worse in order to get her point across, and will speak in long paragraphs rather than in consise statements, even if it's something that could be conveyed in much shorter sentences. She never uses emoticons, and rarely uses explamation points. She does, however, have a penchant for using sarcasm in excess.

Dave Strider, Knight of Time
toocoolfor ⚙ turntechGodhead

dave types like a coolkid through n fucking through
he uses close to zero punctuation and capitalization when talking
although he tends to capitalize shit when hes being a sarcastic little ass
or even when its considered Super Important
but he types thoughts on individual lines when hes not rambling
and sometimes he leaves off letters or actually types a faint drawl
cause it aint no fuckin thang


Jake English, Page of Hope
goodboybestshot ☠ golgothasTerror

Jake types in a slightly darker green font than jade. He talks really funny for a kid his age using outdated and even made up vernacular dag nab it. He always capitalizes the first letter of the sentence and then just lets the rest of it go. Sometimes though he will get riled up and EXPRESS IT ALL IN CAPS TO SHOW JUST HOW HOT AND BOTHERED HE IS!! He also sounds perverted sometimes without really meaning to. *Double pistols and a wink.*

With that said; here are some general options for you!
NO QUIRK: You will just get normal text responses, but ICly your character will still see the quirk. We just won't use it for you, since we know it can be really annoying!
NO COLOR: The weird typing can still be used, but no colored font. The text will still be ICly viewable by your character in color with the quirk.
COLOR ONLY: Only the color but none of the quirk. Again, the character will still ICly see the quirk in the text but you won't!
NO TEXT: No text function at all. Just audio or video responses.
NO EXEMPTION: We can spam you to our hearts content with our hideous font and typing. ♥
Please give us your character, their journal, and what sort of exemption you need (or don't!) and we will definitely do our best to accomodate you. You can request an exemption all across the board, or give us specifics such as no exemption for the kids, but color only for Terezi.

This was shamelessly stolen from lalondes for our arcanarum cast, who nabbed it from memorymodus for the soul_campaign cast. ♥

⚙ permissions, ⚙ badfic manor

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