Title: Horimiya, Hori to Miyamura, ホリミヤ Release/Run Date: January 10 to April 4, 2021 Date I watched on Netflix: July 1 - 10, 2021 Plot/Summary/Synopsis: MyAnimeList or IMDb or Fandom
[High school life oh my high school life]Ever since I have heard that there will be an anime adaptation of this manga I am excited! I have been following this manga for a while now and I love the story. The anime stays true to the story line though there are some skips from the manga. I find the manga to be lighthearted even if its based on slice of ife, but the anime feels heavy. It was sad for me. I was expecting it to be uplifting like when I read the manga. It is a different take on what I expect but its refreshing to think that high school stories is taken seriously. That's my opinion though, please do not take it in the context of this reaction. It is good to watch as it makes me nostalgic to my own high school life.
Storyline: 4/5 Emotions evoked: giddy for high school love story