One Minute Meditations: 07.03.17 sharing is caring

Jul 04, 2017 14:13

One Minute Meditations

Gos is right there in the centre of your soul, and mine, and in the soul of everyone who is in a state of grace. He is there for a purpose, that our salt may increase, that we may acquire more light and that from the place we each find ourselves in we may be able to share out these gifts from God to others.

And how can we share out these gifts from God? With humility and piety, and by being very united to our Mother the Church.

Do you not recall the vine and the branches? How fruitful is each branch when united to the vine! What large bunches of grapes! And how sterile the broken-off branch that dries up and becomes lifeless!

- St. Josemaria Escriva, The Forge, No. 932
One Minute Meditations

I have been thinking of how to improve in my field of crop. I still have no idea to be honest but I know that God is always guiding me... in everything I do. I know He has a plan but leaving me with choices as to which road to take.

reflection, diary

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