First, thanks to everyone who voted/weighed in on my
latest poll. It's closed now, but it definitely helped me make up my mind. :)
Okay, now onto another question, lol. This is for anyone who has driven both in the US and England. I'd love to hear about little differences there are between the two. I've never driven in England, so I'm clueless besides the obvious, that we drive on opposite sides of the road and everything's reversed inside the car, too. But what about other stuff?
In the story this comes up in, it's Spike's first time driving in the US. I'd like to include a couple of random differences between the two that he notices. Could be something about the actual act (besides the opposite side of the road and stuff in the car not being where he expects them) or something about the laws in the US vs. the laws in England. (If it makes a difference, he's driving on an expressway with limited access.) Like, in the 'States, there's a minimum speed on limited access highways as well as a maximum, and if you're going too slow you can get a ticket, just like if you're going too fast. Is that true in England, too? Basically I'd love to hear about any differences you noticed.
Thanks in advance!