State of me

Oct 24, 2005 18:17

So, you may have noticed I haven't been around much lately...or maybe you haven't, lol, since I'm not the most prolific poster on a good day.

I haven't been feeling well lately, mainly from sinus crap, and the flu's going around the house so that's been keeping me busy with kids.  Then there's the fact that I've been writing with what time I do have, and I usually tune out the world when my writing's clicking that way.

Anyway, this is just a pointless post mainly to say hi and that I'm alive.  And, to say thanks for the feedback on Crush and I'm sorry I haven't answered all of it yet.  I'm planning on working on that tonight...and the feedback from other past stuff I still haven't answered.  *hangs head in shame*

Also?  I'm currently at skip=400 on LJ and still not to anything I remotely recognize.  *whimpers*

misc: state of me

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