Well. I guess when my oven broke, and then my dryer broke, I should have known something else was on the way huh? All that 'happens in three's' thing. So....my computer crashed.
Lucky me.
Lost the latest versions of the last four chapters of Twisted Fates, and a few other things too, because I forgot to back them up. Go me. Now I get to go back over them and try to remember the other stuff I wrote that I didn't have backed up. I could kick myself right now.
Oh, and then there's the minor fact that while I was away ANGEL GOT CANCELLED!!!.
Yes, it has been a very, very sucky couple of weeks.
Huh...just thought about something. Guess bad things happen in fours for me. Or can't I consider Angel getting cancelled as something that happened to me? Because, you know, I really want to at the moment, as self-involved and petty as that may be. I've looked forward to this show every week, along with everyone else out there who's been a dedicated fan of Angel, or the Buffyverse in general, or hell, even just Spike...well, not just Spike. There is no just Spike. Spike is in and of himself reason enough to bow down and worship Joss.
But I digress.
Anyway, my point is, Angel is the show I (and a hell of a lot of other people out there) look forward to most every week. In my case, even more than Queer As Folk, and that's saying a lot. I can't even express how pissed off and at a loss I am over this. Yeah, I know it's been days since the announcement now, but hell. I'm just finding out here, so bear with me. It's like it just happened for me.
Okay, pity party over.
On another note, loved tonight's episode!