Okay, I'm starting to get just a bit irritated (feel free to ignore if you know nothing about coding sites in html, or do, but just don't give a shit anyway...lol). Anyway, why you ask? I've spent the better part of my afternoon coding some fics that needed to go up on my site,
Penetrating Urges, and re-coding other pages for various reasons, so after I got done, I figured it'd be a good idea to go back through and click all the links, just to make sure things are working all right, and guess what? They aren't.
I'm not sure what the problem is, either. None of the links are broken, it's just that about half of the ones that are set to open in new windows, via (target="_blank") are instead opening in whatever frame they're set in. I thought maybe it had something to do with my pop-up blocker (I mainly use Slimbrowser), so I turned it off, and that helped with some of them, but not all, go figure. Then I opened Internet Explorer, with the pop-up blocker on, and tried them in there. All of them opened in the frame they were set in, so I turned the blocker off, and suddenly, they all open in new windows (the ones that were supposed to). And I mean, I don't even know how many people out there use Slimbrowser vs IE, but still, it's the main one I use, and it's irritating that the site doesn't work right in it. Hell, I'm afraid to even think about opening Netscape and checking it there. If it's fucked up there too, I may cry.
*deep breath*