Apr 10, 2005 15:16
Well, later on in the evening, Me and Graduated BIT and my man got into it terribly. Graduated BIT caused a huge mess that wasnt even supposed to happen at all...Miscommunications spured up and things were assumed to far. The only one that had lil BIT's back was crazy over grad-BIT. Thanks to you for helping me out. Then my man and I opened up so much it wasnt even funny, but all this was over TOM (the bmx rider i met). I guess this unknown hottie told me he had feelings for me and wanted to get with me but i told him one to many times i am with someone and that it just wasnt possible. He kept on being very persistent and keep asking me questions and i was like Im sorry i have a man and he is good to me and blah blah blah on that story!!!! LoL... Tom is very good at what he does and is very charming but my priorities are with someone else....That is my story for yesterday...
Todays story so far is chillen at the casa and waiting to go to the pool.......