Saa, a curse. Annoying for some, pleasant for others. A simple adjustment in attitude would solve the problem until midnight arrives. I've never heard of an instance where a Shinigami was struck by lightening, but it would be a tragedy for the first occurrence to happen here. Take care, won't you? Allow my pleasant disposition and most graceful appearance to brighten your day.
Ikkaku, Captain and I are going to the Underground. He is most lively today so the show will be something wonderful to behold. Spectators should use caution, of course. We can't be responsible for injury due to stray limbs flying. Besides, I need something pleasant to watch so that the image of that ugly cockroach can be erased from memory.
He called me flabby. Me. Flabby. Stupidity can't be fixed, can it?
Ah, and that reminds me. It seems my dear BiHe has grown on me. I spoke his language today. BiHe, I noticed that that pitiful excuse for a "butterfly" had a blatant flaw and I stated that it was "not symmetrical." ♥ It was fitting!
Captain and Vice Captain, make room for your beloved Fifth Seat. Pending the addition of a disgusting animal. Clearly Kuchiki-taichou is to blame for this.