I'm two quarters and a heart down, And I dont want to forget how your voice sounds...

Mar 16, 2005 06:46

so this past weekend was alright, kelsey came home with me on friday and got her haircut, it looks really good.... then i slept at katies house, saturday i went over to kelseys house and dyed her hair for her, but it didnt come out too much darker than her hair already was..... this week is going by SO slow... last night i went shopping and got new jeans and went to katies house... i call my mom to pick me up at around 6:30 and shes like "katies dad is picking me up to come drink over there" so i was expecting a quick beer or 2... no... we were there til like 9:30... everyone was super drunk and there was a dirty fiasco with our moms and another man who was neither of their husbands... sick. we finally left, went to kone king, came home, and i just fell asleep... friday is my big debut on mtv2 :/
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