i am a sexy beast

Dec 22, 2004 14:28

♥birthday:November 13
♥location:New York

♥bands:Led Zeppelin, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix Coheed and Cambria, Snoop Dogg, NERD, The Clash, The Ramones, James Brown, Bob Marley, My Chemical Romance, Rolling Stones....yada yada, a mix of stuff
♥movies:Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol 1, I just saw Bad Santa and thought it was hilarious
♥shows:Chapelle's Show, Mad TV, Saturday Night Live (it's getting kinda sucky now though), Entourage
♥food:Egg plant parm
♥store:I don't shop at just one store, If I see something I like I'll buy it.
♥color:hmm blue and pink right now

♥abortion: I think that it should be legal. It is better than having the baby end up in a trash can or something. Especially if someone gets raped. They shouldn't have to suffer with the effects.
♥drugs/alcohol:I do drugs sometimes but I'm not that into them. I don't really have a problem with people that do. I just hate it when people brag about doing them.
♥gay marriage/realationships:I am all for it. Love is love, the government shouldn't be able to regulate that too. I don't know many gay people but they should have the same rights as everyone else.
♥premarital sex:I have no problem with it. People should be able to have sex whenever they want. If you are waiting thats cool, if you aren't thats fine too. I myself am a virgin but im not waiting for marriage. I just haven't found anyone.

♥tell us a random fact about you:I'm a dancin machine.
♥have any piercings or tatoos? (if u have any pictures of them please add them): Just one in each ear. Nothing special.
♥list atleast one journal or community you promoted in:
My journal
♥which banner do u want if you are accepted?Jessica Alba is pretty.

♥atleast 3 clear pictures of yourself:

♥one 100x100 (if accepted):

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