Part 1 Part 2)
Squick warning: Needles in my junk
Well, I had only been healthy for a couple of weeks (and had only had the chance to have sex twice, after two months without) when I got another outbreak. This time I have ulcers in my mouth and on my junk. Awesome.
Went straight to Dr. HasAClue this time and the suggested treatment? Cortisone injection to the affected area, ie my outer labia. FML. Husband was there to hold my hand and it wasn't that bad. I nearly threw up a few minutes later, but I didn't and I went home with topical treatments for my mouth and junk. That was on Friday.
Today I went back (alone) to Dr. HasAClue because a second ulcer had developed (on my inner labia, eurgh) and I wasn't sure if the first one was healing. Dr. HAC said she thought the first one was healing and said she could inject the second one. She was aware that the second one is in an even more sensitive spot than the first one, and said I could just keep using the topical treatment if I wanted. However, I want this motherfucker gone. If it gets as big as the ones I had last time, it'll eat right through my skinny little labia and I would prefer not to go through life lop-sided. So she injected it and it hurt, a LOT.
And here's the weird part. When she injected it, I felt this gushing sensation, like a bunch of liquid coming out of my vagina. I didn't think too much about it at the time because someone was sticking a needle into my labia. When she was done I laid on the table for a while in the hopes that I could avoid the urge to puke (I did).
When I got up there was a wet spot on the examining table. The liquid was mostly clear, didn't smell like anything and had traces of blood. I'm pretty sure it wasn't pee, but I'm damned if I know what it is.