Aug 23, 2012 12:20

...only not really.

Anyway, nearly two weeks ago I noticed a small bump in my armpit during a shower. It looked like a mosquito bite or a pimple so I thought nothing of it. Then last Friday I noticed it got REALLY big and was getting pretty sensitive and painful. To the point where on Saturday I couldn't move my arm without it stinging and the fact I was out and about and sweating like a fool made it hurt 10x worse.

It got so bad I had to go to the ER this past Sunday to get it opened and drained. It was a quick (if excruciating tbh) procedure and once they were done they packed it and sent me on my way. Apparently they didn’t pack it enough so that it kept the wound open so it tried to heal over and AROUND the packing thus putting me in pain so bad Tuesday all I could do was cry to avoid loudly screaming in agony (and not being able to move the arm at all). So I went to my regular doctor yesterday, who was obviously displeased at how the ER handled it. She had to do the procedure all over again, only this time not only was it full of infection the old packing ALSO got infected. So it was one heap of gross. But she packed it properly, wrapped it, taped it, and sent me home with proper antibiotics and vicodin.

I can’t get the dressing changed until tomorrow when I go back in for her to check on i

But I noticed this while getting changed into clothes less sweaty and smelly (warm night + oozy wound = why yes I would love the bed to myself). It was a pretty major wound that they had to pack and keep open to continue draining and apparently over 12 hours later it’s still oozing. XD

It oozed right through the gauze, tape, and wrapping and into the shirt. It’s both gross and fascinating. Downside is, I’m not sure how well it’s going to wash out of the material. My sleepshirt’s not the same as most other shirts.

Poor shirt.

I mentioned to my doctor that I'd considered attempting to lance it at home and she practically yelled at me like an angry mother. So yeah, just fyi to anyone else who gets one of this do not poke it yourself. Either use a warm compress and wait and see if it pops and drains naturally, or get a doctor to do it. These things get reinfected super easily (as I found out the hard way. I can only imagine how much worse it would've been if I'd poked it myself.)

And this happened because of shaving. I'd gotten a smaller one that popped on its own back in March on the other arm. Now I got this one and there's a tiny one forming below it that the doctor thinks will die on its own from the antibiotics I'm now taking. Apparently my skin became too sensitive for shaving. Oh well. Now I'll have to put up with either pit-waxing or pit-nair-ing :C

funky smells, why god why, blood, abscesses, ingrown hairs, infections, bodily fluids, pus

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