Today wen I woke up I immediately noticed my throat felt really swollen on the right side. I took a look with a flashlight and saw something ugly.
I was scared. It looks like someone lodged two cocoa puffs in my tonsil. It looks worse in person.
I'm glad This is not just a "WTF IS WRONG WITH ME" kind of post which most of mine end up reading as. I did get to have someone look at it. They said it looked like a strain of strep, where the lymph node was struggling to fight off infection. I got some shots, one in the arm, the nurse said it was some kind of steroid. also two big shots of penicillin in either butt cheek. ;__; But I don't have to take any other medicine. I hope I don't get a yeastie beastie.
It was very sudden. My throat had hurt a little on the right side last night but not enough to make me wanna look around back there. I wondered where strep might have come from, but I did have a cold for about two weeks and i'm slowly tailing off it now still.
If you are interested,
I went into all kinds of detail on my personal journal. Oh, and the urine test they did concluded that I am not pregnant. Whew. I had a condom break about a week ago. so that was comforting to hear. :P
what the fuck is this shit,