well actually... it's more like 4 birds.
so for the last year-ish, i've been having some crazy-bad vulva itching. to the point of having to use vagisil every day. since it was just external, and i didn't really have any abnormal discharge OR a bad smell, i figured i was having a reaction to a detergent, or a soap, or something. i tried everything... switching soaps, detergents, etc. nope. still itchy.
then i figured it must be a yeast infection. i used the
vagisil screening kit thingy, which indicated a yeast infection. so i bought some monistat (or the generic grocery store version). i bought the 1-day treatment, used it, and thought that i cured it. but then about a week later, the itching came back.
i figured maybe i'm one of those people who needs a longer-term treatment. so i bought a 3-day treatment. itching went away, and i thought i was in the clear. nope. itching came back.
now, at this point, i realize i probably should have seen a doctor. howevah! i don't have a lot of money to begin with, and when my work cut back my hours for awhile, i simply did not have the money.
finally, a couple of weeks ago, after using a 7-day treatment, only to have the itching come back, i thought to myself, "hmm... maybe this isn't a yeast infection. maybe it's bacterial vaginosis, even though the screening kit said it wasn't."
so at that point, i figured i was going to have to bite the bullet and make a doctor appointment to get it figured out.
but... just a few days later, i felt like i was coming down with something. that quickly progressed into a sore throat and earache. finally, last week, i woke up with a fever, and had to go to urgent care, where i was diagnosed with an ear infection, strep, and sinus infection... for which i was prescribed a 10-day course of augmentin.
6 days into the treatment... itching. gone. guess it was BV after all.
but now i'm eating shit-tons of yogurt to prevent an ACTUAL yeast infection from the antibiotics. how ironic would that be?
tl;dr - i thought i had a yeast infection, but after being on antibiotics for a different infection, i guess it was actually bacterial vaginosis.