Feb 28, 2008 20:26
Number one on my list of things that have completely screwed up in my life right now is this: procrastination.
I applied for FSU in November.
I waited until yesterday to pay the application fee.
Um, does that strike anyone as ridiculous?
Fuck yes.
So of course I looked at my application and it got cancelled because the deadline was the 13th and I was trying 15 days too late.
On the bright side there are new opertunities knocking at my door.
I've never really thought that my photography is even semi-decent, even if people tell me that it is.
But this social worker guy really likes my photography and my writing.
So, in light of not being able to go to FSU I signed up for UWF.
And they have a really good braodcast journalism program there.
So I'm pretty sure that I've changed my major yet again.
But the good part about all of this is that the social worker guy is trying to get me an internship at ABC News.
The part that I'm most excited about is the traveling.
I love to travel and there is a lot of traveling in that profession.
I'm kind of excited.
PS. I still can't spell, I've been sick since 2 weeks ago, and my best friend pissed me off today. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.