Oct 07, 2009 17:32
I think that you get good grace up until you turn twenty, then after that it's a freaking toss up.
As I realize this from day to day, with age people only get more rude and more absurd.
More killings and brutal slaughters; the protectors mowing down the protectees.
I'm tired of this country and everything that goes along with it.
I don't think that I've ever felt this unpatriotic in the longest of times.
All I can do here is bide my time with the small pleasures of laughing at clouds and reading books.
My only other solace is writing and playing music doesn't comfort me nearly as much as it used to.
That might be contributed to the upstart pretensions of a newer society that thinks itself better than the old.
Whatever the case may be I just don't see that joy coming back.
As for friendships, I can most certainly do without those for a while, unless it is my more humble friends or those that I am only superficial with.
And that seems that it will become the trend amongst all friends I make because who among them can be trusted or me trusted by them?
So, I am resolved to think of everything is trivial and not trifle with such inconveniences as close relationships, heaven forbid they bring anything other than prosecution.
But enough with my rambles of sorrows and woes and I shall be menial, like a good girl.
I would turn my head to the sky, if not just to perplex.
I don't need questions of why, only trust that we all have a complex.