Title: tell me how to fall in love (the way you want me to)
oonoouPairing: Chanyeol/Kyungsoo, side!Baekhyun/Jongdae
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3560
Warnings: angst-y
Summary: There are a million different ways to say “I love you”. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo both try but none of them listens… Do they love each other enough to overcome this misunderstanding?
Author's Note: My dear recipient, I hope you like this outcome and won’t go cry in a corner over what I have done with your prompt. Also I’d like to thank F for encouraging me and beta-ing my stupid mistakes. Happy Christmas, everyone!
You can read the fic at the site of the exchange If you have anything to say, don't hesitate to comment over there or here. :)
It's my first try at chansoo and I'm hella nervous