"far, far away but close, close to you" part V

Jun 03, 2015 18:47

Fandom: EXO
Title: Far, Far Away but Close, Close to You
Pairing(s): chinguline, major Baekhyun/Jongdae, minor Jongdae/Kyungsoo and Chanyeol/Kyungsoo (+ additional pairings in further chapters)
Genre: comedy, humor, prince!au, crack for occasional bad Kpop references
Length: Chaptered
Summary: Being a middle child sucks. Being a middle prince is even worse. Jongdae knows it well especially when his parents leave him with choices A) go and find your inner peace in a monastery and B) go and find your own fairytale. No wonder what he chooses but what follows is beyond everything Prince Jongdae, 2nd Prince of Far, Far Away has ever expected...
Disclaimer: I do not own EXO. Hell I would though. I love fairy tales and such even though I handle them in this story carelessly and a bit lame. The idea has just popped into my mind, any similarity with other works must be an accident.

Additional pairing(s): onesided Jongdae/Sehun, occasional Luhan/Baekhyun

Rating: PG-15
Warning(s): use of language, sexual references, immense crack ahead (seriously throw away rationality and common sense for a few minutes I was trying hard to be funny and became a bit nonsense)
Word Count: 2,617 (altogether ~20,000)
Previous Chapters: part I / part II / part III / part IV

Bandits’ lunch is not that bad. They eat more meat and less vegetable and maybe even use too little salt but it’s not the kitchen of the palace so for not being that the bandit cook does well.

Jongdae would actually enjoy his food if Sehun wasn’t there to feed him. (And he wasn’t roped next to the fire as well.)

“One more bite. For me, ‘kay?” Sehun coos then hums in appreciation as Jongdae follows his order. Some soup drops down Jongdae’s chin the clumsy he is and Sehun uses his mouth to mop the trail up.

Jongdae holds his breath back waiting for worse to happen but fortunately Sehun stops by the corner of his mouth.

“Who gave you that nasty bruise, hyung?”

If Jongdae was as cruel as his parents and/or wasn’t developing a strange affection for the boy on his left, he would so tell on Baekhyun to get him in trouble.

But since the reasons stated above, he doesn’t.

“Whoever that was, they have a taste.” Sehun continues, using (fortunately only) his thumb to caress the little patch of hurt skin. “They could have destroyed your admirable cheekbones or broke your cute little nose but they went for your lips instead… I understand it though. Your lips are quite alluring, my Jongdae.”

Jongdae closes his eyes for a second. Please, all Heavens above, let this to be a nightmare. Prince Jongdae is just dreaming in his big, comfortable bed right now, isn’t he? His parents hasn’t sent him on a journey to get him out of their lives and Prince Jongdae hasn’t met neither a beautiful boy who punched him in the face after peeping at him nor a little leader of a bandit gang who clearly wants to do inappropriate things with him.

But Jongdae opens his eyes and Sehun still there. Closer than before…

“Excuse me but aren’t you ashamed of yourselves at least a bit?”

Sehun leans back with a grunt. Jongdae thanks Baekhyun for his timing because that’s not how eighteen-year-old Prince Jongdae has imagined his first kiss to be.

“Don’t be jealous. Luhan hyung will take care of you later.”

“I’m not jealous!” Baekhyun protests, pulling on his restraints helplessly. “But neither you nor your stupid brother can lay a finger on any of us!”

Jongdae would be touched that Baekhyun is thinking of him too but Sehun is still in his personal space.

“Your feisty mouth won’t be able to speak when hyung finishes his lunch and takes you to his tent.” He says casually.

All four captives shiver in mortification.

Sehun turns his attention back to his captive.

“Your friends are right maybe we shouldn’t give them such a view. See you a little later, my Jongdae hyung. Think of me a lot.”

The print his lips leave on Jongdae’s forehead burns.

As soon as Sehun is out of sight, Chanyeol moans.

“Thank God he’s gone. My poor eyes~”

“You should have done something, Jongdae.” Kyungsoo scolds him from his right. He looks so angry that his dark aura is almost visible. “Why were you just sitting there and doing as he wishes? You’re a prince, damn it, where is your authority at times like this?!”

Jongdae listens in silence. They’re right. He didn’t have one word of protest. What’s wrong with him?

“Leave the poor boy alone, he’s obviously charmed away.” Baekhyun pipes in once he finds his voice again.

Jongdae turns his head towards him. Baekhyun’s face is still dirty, there’s a big patch of dirt under his left eye which Jongdae itches to wipe off with the back of his hand… But he doesn’t do of course. (Mostly because the bandit who roped his hands together did a pretty good job.)

“I’m not.”

“Then why didn’t you protest?” Baekhyun insists. His eyes are twinkling with hurt(?). “As soon as Sehun looks you in the eye, you’re under his spell. He’s hot so it’s partly understandable but…”

Jongdae bites his lip.
Baekhyun’s words feel wrong.

“But what? You don’t know me.”

“Yes, I don’t know you… but I’ve expected more from you somehow.”

Jongdae suddenly feels the warmth coming from the fire a bit hotter. Baekhyun has had expectations towards him? Baekhyun cares about him?

Jongdae feels that strange affection again. He leans in to nuzzle Baekhyun’s cheek. The said boy gasps.

“Thank you, Baekhyun.”

He doesn’t even know what he’s saying thank you for but at the moment it feels right. Beautiful red roses blossom on Baekhyun’s cheeks and Jongdae knows Baekhyun doesn’t know that either. But none of them pulls away.

Their staring contest only gets interrupted when Kyungsoo nudges Jongdae’s feet with his own.

“Quit it princes, Luhan is coming!”

Both Baekhyun and Jongdae sit back to their original state and look away from the other hastily. When Luhan arrives to the camp fire, they are almost as they were.

“What’s with this tension in the air? Are you sensing already the soon end of your lives?” Luhan laughs and kneels next to Baekhyun to untie his wrists. “You’re finally coming with me, pretty. I hope you’re ready.”

Baekhyun doesn’t say anything just takes a last look at Jongdae. His look is filled with despair and fear and Jongdae’s heart sinks at the sight just the way it does when Ribbon doesn’t dare to come down from the tallest tree in the garden. Baekhyun is not Ribbon but the concern and care they both indicate in Jongdae is the same.

Jongdae cares for Baekhyun too and can’t let what is about to happen to him.

“Where is Sehun?”

Luhan turns back with a hold on Baekhyun’s arm.

“Do you miss your owner, pet?”

“I do. Where is he?”

The dumbfounded puffs of air which are coming from Kyungsoo and Chanyeol are easy to be heard. The look in Baekhyun’s eyes changes, he looks somewhat betrayed but Jongdae will take care of that later.

“I want Sehun!” He whines and even attempts to stamp his feet in frustration. “Where is my Sehun?!”

Luhan looks confused for a second but then drags Baekhyun forward and says above his shoulder.

“I’ll call for him. Easy there, kitten.”

Chanyeol groans as he’s watching his prince stumble towards the biggest tent.

“No, Prince Baekhyun, no! Oh God, what will happen to him? My precious prince~ If he doesn’t remain the way he is I’m so going fight down everybody in this wicked camp and make sure to make everyone’s life miserable -“

“Nothing’s going to happen to him.” Jongdae tries to calm him.

Chanyeol lifts his head up in alert.

“Do you have a plan?”

“Yes, I have… Soo, there’s a dagger under my vest. Take it out.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

“Prince Jongdae, you have a dagger?!”

“You can scold me later. Now move.”

Kyungsoo takes a deep breath and with little difficulty, manages to pull the weapon out and hide it behind his back. (What luck the gang roped them so close to the other.)

Jongdae watches Sehun exit a tent and sends a shining smile towards him.

“Untie yourselves when you hear pineapple.”

“What?!” Kyungsoo and Chanyeol exclaim at the same time but Jongdae doesn’t say more because Sehun is standing in front of him already with a hand holding his chin.

“I heard you called for me, hyung. Were you missing me so bad?”

Jongdae smiles the way The Queen likes and rewards with an affectionate pat when she’s in a good mood.

“I was, Sehunnie. I still I do.”

- - -

The tent Sehun owns is not as big as Luhan’s is from outside but it’s grand enough to fit at least twenty pillows inside. (Maybe even thirty one.)

Jongdae gulps.

“You like to be comfortable, don’t you?”

“You can say it like that.” Sehun chuckles as he maneuvers Jongdae to sit next to him. “I love lazing.”

The pillows do look comfortable and after such a day Prince Jongdae would actually really glad to burry himself in them but 1) Sehun apparently wasn’t content with only that and 2) Jongdae has a prince to rescue.

Just the mere thought of Baekhyun’s desperate look is enough for Jongdae to get back to mission mode.

“Sehun -“

“I like how you say my name.” Sehun invades Jongdae’s personal space once again and tugs on his hand to pull him forward. “Come and lay down with me, hyung. Make yourself comfortable.”

The pillows are comfortable but Sehun’s arm under Jongdae’s head feels even better surprisingly.

Sehun turns to his side to be able to look at the boy in his arms.

“I’m happy I’ve found you.”

Jongdae gapes. Things definitely don’t go as planned, he really should do something now but Sehun’s saying such nice things and… probably there’s something in what Baekhyun has said by the fire.

“Why?” He can’t help but ask.

Sehun sighs and puts a hand to Jongdae’s face to brush away his bangs.

“You have obviously no idea how dear you are, my Jongdae… But I’ll let you know gladly.”

Jongdae is not ready to feel Sehun’s lips on him again but they are on his cheek, chin and nose. The little touches are distracting but feel nice.

Jongdae lets out a tiny sigh at the feeling. What’s happening to him? He’s started this journey to marry the princess his parents picked out for him. He wanted to marry a girl who’ll be a good wife and a lifetime partner. How did he end up lying under a younger boy, enjoying such ministrations?

Sehun notices Jongdae’s change of mood and rewards him with an affectionate nip at his earlobe.

“See, hyung? I can be good to you if you let me. I could be so good to you if you stayed…”

Jongdae feels a moan bubbling in his throat (oh Heavens) but gathers every self-control and strength he has and successfully flips their positions at the end.

Sehun is beyond surprised but seeing his eyes crinkle with delight he’s more happy than disappointed.

“You’re so precious.”

Jongdae leaves the comment unanswered and bends down to hesitantly kiss Sehun’s prominent jawline. It’s the first time Jongdae kisses somebody (who’s not his family) but he probably doesn’t do that bad because Sehun sucks in a breath as a response and lifts his big palms to cup his waist as Jongdae continues on.

Jongdae likes to think that the reason why he’s comfortable with Sehun touching him (and he’s touching Sehun now) is that said boy didn’t do anything else in his presence and he got infected. (It’s a weak and ridiculous reason but Jongdae can’t let himself think of anything else.)

However a sudden cry coming from closer reminds Jongdae why exactly he decided to join Sehun in his tent in the first place.

“Luhan hyung has started.” Sehun chuckles while not-so-subtly sliding his hands downwards. “Should we start too?”

Jongdae immediately feels guilty. While he’s leisurely discovering his sexuality, Baekhyun is having a hard time (pun not intended). What kind of a man he is?!

He comes back to reality by Sehun curling a hand around his chin.

“Listen to me, my Jongdae hyung. Only listen to me.”

Jongdae pushes him back and goes for Sehun’s neck this time. He accidentally noticed a birth mark right next to his Adam’s apple (It was a total accident, I say) and while he’s kissing it he has time to think (He’s not enjoying it oh no… Okay, maybe he does a little.)

How should Prince Jongdae execute The Plan?

Since Sehun is busy moaning and whatnot Jongdae reaches for the rope he was tied with but hid in his inner pocket after Sehun got it off. (Said boy was so busy flirting he didn’t even notice.)

“You are so good to me, Sehunnie.” Jongdae speaks up. His voice is hoarse from not speaking since forever (that’s the reason, right?) but that’s just makes the game easier. “I’ve never known somebody can be this good to me but you are. I’m so thankful.”

Jongdae subtly goes down and touches Sehun’s ankles.

Sehun whimpers at that.

“I’m also happy you’ve found me. I was afraid when I saw bandits coming up on us but as you stuck to me, Sehunnie, my fears disappeared. You could make me feel safe and sound, baby. Thank you for that too.”

Jongdae tightens the rope and hovers back above Sehun’s head. He looks dazed and expectant and actually Jongdae feels sorry for him because in the next moment he says:

“I’m sorry our encounter ends like this but you know what people say, nothing last forever but PINEAPPLES!”

Jongdae gets on his feet and exits the tent without looking back. He faintly hears a puzzled “He said pineapples?” but he’s already running towards the biggest tent in the camp.

He sees a big branch lying next to it unused. He picks it up and boldly enters. Jongdae doesn’t know what he’ll do but he can manage, right?

Inside the tent Luhan is sitting on a chair with Baekhyun by his feet. They both look up in surprise by Jongdae’s entrance.

Jongdae should really get used to walking in on Baekhyun. Said boy wears some clothes this time but his chest and back is in wide view and oh he’s so pale - pinapples, Prince Jongdae, PINEAPPLES!

Luhan can only say “what the fuck” before Jongdae swings the branch and successfully hits him in the head. The leader of the gang plops off of the chair like a sack of potatoes. (Huh he’s even weaker than he looks.)

Baekhyun stands up with angry eyes - wait, angry? Shouldn’t he be happy?

“What the heck were you doing for so long?!”

“I’m sorry for attempting to save your ass!” Jongdae shoots back and dropping the branch takes a hold of Baekhyun’s hand. “Let’s continue arguing once we’re out of this crazy camp.”

Baekhyun hesitantly nods and they go to save their sidekicks.

Said sidekicks are still merrily sitting around the camp fire like some kindergarten class on their first trip.

“I screamed pineapples, damn it!” Jongdae lets out his frustration while untying Kyungsoo’s restrains. Baekhyun does the same with Chanyeol’s. “You were sitting on your ears, Soo?!”

“You had said pineapple.” Chanyeol answers instead, massaging his wrists. “You used plural this time and we weren’t sure -“

“I told you grammar means nothing under these circumstances!” Kyungsoo snaps at him.

“We’ll mean nothing if we keep this up.” Baekhyun puts an end to the ridiculous argument and looks at Jongdae. “Let’s get out of here.”

“Jongdae doesn’t go anywhere.”

Sehun seems far from pleased standing across them, mouth clenched tightly. Jongdae feels an ounce of shame especially if he looks at the boy’s flushed neck. He betrayed Sehun so bad. (And he failed tightening the ropes so bad.)

“Please, Sehun.” Jongdae says anyway. He can’t stay. Sehun can’t be such a fool that he thinks otherwise.

“Sorry, you stay.”

Baekhyun squeezes Jongdae’s fingers. (Since when are they holding hands again?)

“Jongdae is not your property, Sehun.”

Sehun narrows his eyes at him.

“What do you know about that? About us? Hyung is mine.”

Okay, now Jongdae feels extremely ashamed. How could he not notice that Sehun takes this so seriously? He’s just a kid of course he gets carried away easily and mistakes puppy love with eternal romance.

“I’ll come back to talk, Sehun, just… let us now go.”

Before Luhan wakes up if it’s possible, because his rage is the last thing the four friends(?) miss at the moment.

Sehun looks hurt but says:

“See you tomorrow noon at the glade, hyung. Hide well.”

ot12, chinguline, r: pg-15, m: chen, p: jongdae/sehun, m: baekhyun, g: crack, exo, m: chanyeol, l: chaptered, prince!au, g: fluff, p: jongdae/kyungsoo, p: chanyeol/kyungsoo, m: kyungsoo, p: baekhyun/jongdae

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