Jun 08, 2006 21:11
For those of you who have forgetten, my birthday is comming up soon (July 19th to be specific hint hint hint) nahh I am really just kidding. I know my friends all don't have much money and I don't expect anything from them besides telling me happy birthday. Anyways I was thinking about birthday gift ideas and I came up with a "Must birthday present. Something I want more then anything else.... so you wanna know what I came up with? What I want more then anything else for my birthday is a tazer gun. You may be asking yourself at this point, why in god's name would I want a tazer gun? the anwser: So I can taze all the stupid motherfuckers I have to deal with on a daily basis. I would even go as far as saying these people DESERVE to get Tazed! For example, the woman who came into the pet store and asked (I shit you not) if we sold news papers. Nevermind the giant freeking neon sign above the store that reads "MacArthur Pet Shop" or the cages full of small furry animals one sees when they first enter the store. Example 2: The woman at the vet *cough cough BITCH cough * she got a dog brought the dog in for a wellness visit..shots ect. a few weeks later..."Oh I am tired of the dog" so she had a sign posted in the vet to see if anyone wanted the dog. "Tired of the dog?" Excuse me! Who the hell do you think you are lady? I hope you don't have kids...and what are you gonna do if you ever "grow tired of them" just leave them in a dumpster somewhere. btw..that is just the tip of the iceburg for the vet clients. I could give further examples but I would be here all night and this entry would be about 30 pages long. let me just leave it I can think of just completly off the top of my head at least 10 vet clients I would like to taze. And this doesn't begin to cover all the ignorant shit I see people do in rush hour traffic on I -270 on my commute to work. the way I see it, Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest isn't working fast enough obviously, when such ignorant people still crawl the earth. So please...pretty pretty pretty please get me a tazer for my birthday. It may not slowly kill off the "dumbest" But it will at least make me feel a little bit better for a while.