Feb 04, 2005 05:00
Ahhhhh.....yes the tramatising experiance of this morning, i had to say goodbye to a rather good looking brilliant Austrailian who is a family friend visiting, but we didnt get to spend alot of time with him because he had alot of people to go and see. So last night we whatched Napolean Dynamite and then after me and my sister stayed up til 3:00 in the morning talking which is the reason i didnt come to school today, he left around 11:00 so sad i love hearing those accents. None the less very enjoyable anyway.
Yes this is the reason i had to leave culture night it was so sad most of the reason i came was to here shaun do his Spanish song and i didnt even get to see it!!!! But i did get to see Casey before i left which was very delightful i might add. Yes well hopefully my mom let me go dancing if not at least some where she was saying earlier that i couldnt because i skipped school but i had a good excuse i mean how often do you have an Austrailian staying with you?
So i am very distressed about some thing.... my best friend Gillian wont talk to me and i know i must have done something wrong but she wont tell me what and she keeps saying its not a big deal and that she's just a little upset. Oh what to do what to do(deaply pondering) I swear it's like one friend after the other. I mean i guess i should give her space and just let her come to me. I must go sorry about all the drama
lotz of love