[Yaaaawns, voice is slurred and groggy.]
Good morning, Discedo...
[Yawns again.]
As soon as I manage to wake up completely, I will be officially back on the workforce. If you need anything, let me know. I will be stopping by the greenhouse first, then checking in on the park--Lexaeus, is it? Thank you for your help with clearing the place out. Would you be interested in a proper spot on the Clearing Team?--and then take Mata--"El Matador" is too long for a name--out to feed. Stay clear of Ingles for a while unless you want to get stomped on or accidentally eaten.
Also, if anyone hears noises from my apartment when I am not home, do not worry about it; Edgeworth is living here now--
[Said in an almost admonishing tone.]
--and even if he should really be sleeping after yesterday and last night, I think he intends to be up and about today.
[Pause, muffled voices in the background.]
No, I do not care if you...
...I do not believe you, especially after last n--
...Well it is not my fault you were so...
Oh fine, but do not hurt yourself. Again. Or I really will be carrying you everywhere.
[Heavy sigh.]
In any case, do not worry about any noises off you happen to hear from my apartment, it is just my partner trying to hurt himself some more.
[More muffled voices, completely unintelligible this time.]
Anyway, on to more important things.
[Locked from Torn and any remnants of the Evil Brigade.]
Torn's party is tomorrow at three in the afternoon, in the auditorium. Try to bring something if you can--fruit, jerky, soap, clothes, a blanket, anything will work as a gift here. If anyone here has any, I think he would appreciate some fresh writing utensils. He is always scribbling something up in his office...
Anyone interested, just try to be there. I will take care of making sure Torn shows up, everyone else just be ready to tell him happy birthday. Yorda, Moa, I am counting on you to give him hugs or something. I think he could use them.
[Comm clicks and switches over to text.]
Now, as far as the Clearing Team goes--which still needs a new name, by the way--the general assignments listed
here haven't really changed.
Jackie is now in Grimmjow's spot, and Kadaj is to go back to working with his brother now that he's back in town. Viral should stay working with them. For today, I'd like the three of you to move down to Liddel and get to work there, such as you can, until Mata's been fed.
If any of you consider your assignments clear, then tell me so I can mark it on the map, please.
[Clicks and switches back to audio.]
And there we have it. If anyone has anything else to say, any questions or interests, just let me know.
EDIT (6.11/12:36): Also, if any of the members of Float are not busy, I would like to talk to you.