41 [AUDIO]

May 21, 2008 09:33

[Communicator comes on to the steady pound of rain against the microphone. A moment passes with nothing but this, then a low laugh.]

Time to change trees, I suppose...

Yorda, is there any other fruit or vegetable I can work on growing for you? The apple tree we have been using went into bloom sometime while we were all too busy to notice, and I do not want to force the natural blooms into fruit unless I have to. I can switch to another three and work on bringing it up to season, I suppose, but for the moment I would really much rather make sure people are eating properly as soon as possible.

Honestly, it is a miracle any of us have not come down with scurvy or something. Except myself, of course, considering I do not get sick. But we all still have good teeth and even if most of the people here are a little underweight--or a lot; have you been eating the food Yorda left for you, Torn? I have some dried chimera meat that I am going to bring by your office today, I expect you to eat it as well--most of us seem to be doing all right.

That said, my thanks to the people who have taken care of the chimeras in the streets; both those of you on my team and those working alone, the effort is very much appreciated. How much meat did we manage to save altogether? I wonder if someone could get some butcher paper on their next supply run or something...

[Sighs heavily, annoyed and obviously still pretty tired.]

Now for the specifics. Renji, forget about my shirt. I am just going to modify what is left of my jacket. Jak, I think Keira is missing again. Haine, we need to...have words. Grimmjow as well, but only in regards to Haine. Erol, Vin charged up Ashelin's old handgun and left it with Von Karma, so if you really want an eco-powered weapon you can go trade in the projectile pistol I gave you for that instead. And Vin--well done. It took a while, but it was very good of you to finally come out with it.

vin, good news, plants, greenhouse, renji is an idiot, cleanup, erol, apples, torn, haine, ohshit it's a chimera get in the car, thanks, grimmjow, jak, clearing group, yorda, food

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