TOO_FOXY: hiatus or revitalization?

Mar 02, 2011 20:47

Remember this challenge? It was extended for an extra week and even after two weeks of sitting around, only six entries (by three makers, I believe) ever came in. (Thanks to those of you who actually entered.) People haven't been picking up their banners, either. We're generally a ghost town at this point.

Since then I've been letting this community sit around because of low participation. But I'd like to know what you guys think. I could either:

a) put the comm on hiatus until April-ish or May-ish or whenever people have more time to be around,
b) ask you guys to help me pimp this place out and look for fresh participants (I'll be on the lookout for places to shamelessly plug the community as well)

Which one would you rather we do? Remember, your opinion matters more than mine! All I do is manage, but you guys are the ones who really keep this place going. ♥ I could go either way right now. :)


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