Challenge 001

Aug 19, 2010 12:21

Welcome to too_foxy! First off, I'd like to thank everyone for joining so quickly, and thank Kim for being the sexy pimp that she is. (That is less weird than it sounds; I promise.) XD For the first challenge I thought we could do something epic, so...

Challenge 001
ft. Jonah Hex stills

Use any one or any combination of these photos to convey a feeling of the epic. Think of what makes movie posters for Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Troy feel so epic, and condense it into an icon! Suggestions: go for golden lighting, textures that create a sense of movement, blending, etc.


# due midnight (EST) on Friday, August 27th
# you may use ANY photos from Jonah Hex, not just the ones provided
# you may enter FOUR icons max (other challenges may ask for three; make sure to read the instructions each time!)
# blending, animation, text, and textures are allowed and encouraged!
# all icons must fit LJ standards (40KB, 100x100px, gif/png/jpg)
# submit entries in a comment to this post; provide both icons and URLs
# all entries must be yours and newly-made for the challenge
# do not post your icons anywhere until voting is over
# suggestions? Leave them HERE.


challenge 001, challenge

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