Index: Other - Doctor Who

Feb 16, 2009 10:55

This page will be for characters and pairings that I've made under 10 graphics for. Once I have made 10 graphics for that character/pairing, they will get their own page.

1st Doctor/William Hartnell - 2 icons.

2nd Doctor/Partick Troughton - 2 icons.

3rd Doctor/Jon Pertwee - 9 icons.

4th Doctor/Tom Baker - 2 icons.

5th Doctor/Peter Davison - 3 icons.

6th Doctor/Colin Baker - 3 icons.

7th Doctor/Sylvester McCoy - 2 icons.

8th Doctor/Paul McGann - 5 icons.

Susan Foreman - 2 icons.

Barbara Wright - 2 icons.

Ian Chesterton - 2 icons.

Vicki - 2 icons.

Steven Taylor - 2 icons.

Karatina - 2 icons.

Sara Kingdom - 2 icons.

Dodo Chaplet - 2 icons.

Ben Jackson - 2 icons.

Polly - 5 icons.

Frazer Hines/Jamie McCrimmon - 4 icons.

Victoria Waterfield - 4 icons.

Liz Shaw - 2 icons.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart - 2 icons.

Harry Sullivan - 2 icons.

K9 - 2 icons.

Adric - 2 icons.

Tegan Jovanka - 2 icons.

Vislor Turlough - 2 icons.

Frobisher - 1 icon.

Ace Mcshane - 2 icons.

Grace Holloway - 2 icons.

Jackie Tyler - 3 icons.

Martha Jones - 2 icons.

Wilf Mott - 6 icons.

Rory - 12 icons.

River Song - 4 icons.

Romana I/Romana II - 6 banners.

Nyssa/Tegan - 3 icons.

Nyssa/Turlough - 3 icons.

Peri/Nyssa - 4 icons.

Peri/Erimem - 3 icons.

Jamie/Peri - 1 icon.

Ace/Karra - 2 icons.

Benny/Charley - 5 icons.

Benny/Jason - 1 icon.

Two/Polly - 1 macro.

Three/Liz - 1 icon.

Three/Jo - 1 icon.

Four/Romana I - 9 icons.

Four/Romana II - 3 icons.

Five/Peri - 6 icons.

Five/Amy - 3 icons.

Six/Charley - 4 icons.

Eight/Charley - 6 icons.

Eight/Benny - 1 icon.

Ten/Jack - 2 icons.

Ten/Donna - 3 icons.

Amy/Rory - 6 icons, 2 picspams, 1 banner.

Eleven/Amy - 9 icons, 1 fanmix.

Cover by arenee1999. Song list

Eleven/Amy/Rory - 3 icons, 1 banner.

Two/Jamie/Zoe - 3 icons.

Five/Peri/Erimem - 4 icons.

The Master/Anthony Ainley - 1 icon.

Ood - 5 icons, 1 colour bar.

Other - 7 icons, 1 banner, 2 wallpapers, 2 picspams.

REMEMBER: credit sneakyangel or too_fiercely or both. Do not edit my graphics.

Like what you see? Then join and make me happy!

doctor who: eleven/amy/rory, doctor who: rory williams, doctor who: nyssa/tegan, doctor who: amy/rory, doctor who: tegan jovanka, doctor who: 4th doctor, -fanmix, doctor who: adric, doctor who: vicki, doctor who: susan foreman, doctor who: 1st doctor, doctor who: jamie/peri, index: other - doctor who, doctor who: 6th doctor, doctor who: liz shaw, doctor who: sara kingdom, doctor who: ainley!master, doctor who: barbara wright, doctor who: vislor turlough, doctor who ben jackson, doctor who: ood, doctor who: 5/peri/erimem, doctor who: 6/charley, doctor who: 2nd doctor, doctor who: victoria waterfield, doctor who: 4/romana ii, doctor who: 10/jack, doctor who: peri/erimem, doctor who: katarina, doctor who: 8/charley, doctor who: 8/benny, doctor who: harry sullivan, doctor who: 8th doctor, doctor who: wilfred mott, doctor who: benny/charley, doctor who: 11/amy, doctor who: jamie mccrimmon, doctor who: k9, doctor who: 2/polly, doctor who: river song, doctor who: jackie tyler, doctor who: dodo chaplet, doctor who: romana i/romana ii, doctor who: brigadier lethbridge-stewart, doctor who: 3/liz, doctor who: martha jones, doctor who: steven taylor, doctor who: 5th doctor, doctor who: 4/romana i, doctor who: nyssa turlough, doctor who: benny/jason, doctor who: grace holloway, doctor who: 2/jamie/zoe, doctor who: 3rd doctor, doctor who: ace/karra, doctor who: polly, doctor who: ace mcshane, doctor who: 7th doctor, doctor who: ian chesterton, doctor who: 5/amy (abby), doctor who: 10/donna, doctor who: frobisher

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