Jul 13, 2005 00:00
*Woke up late today with the worst cramps I've ever had. Haha, not cool...
*Went to work anyways, from 1-4. It went by pretty fast tho.
*Came home to pick up my lil bros and took them to the Humane Society. I love going there!!! I wish I could take home all the animals =/ poor things...
*Went to go pick up Cloud cuz we were both extremely bored...ended up at a bunch of random places?! Drove around for a long ass time and then stopped at the little corner store by wal-mart to get burritos and slurpies. Went home, took my sis to the movies, came back home. Left, went to a different corner store (by Luby's) and got ourselves some Crispy Cream dohnuts...Good Stuff :) Haha, and we ate them in the car at Bilshup (or however you spell that) park. After eating 2 each, we decided to get off the car and go swing. Fun Fun! The little boys were like challenging us to see who could go higher! We so won, right Cloud?! lol.
*After that, Cloud and I randomly ::cough cough:: ended up lost in San Juan. LOL ;) Pop had to come find us. We ended up leaving in his truck to visit some guy. I hadnt met him yet...but cloud and Pop knew him. His name's Frank. He seems pretty cool I guess.
*Left cuz Cloud had to be home soon. She got home late =/ Hope she's not in trouble...
*After that, I made a quick stop at Megan's house. Happy B-Day Megan!!! lol. Everyone decorated her room for her as a surprise. It looked awesome. But yea, I was only there for like 30 mins cuz I had to be home too.
*And yea, now I'm home. Thats my day....and thats it for now. Good Night everyone! Luv uu! Byee!