1) Name :Jenai McOwen
2) Age : 13
3) Location : Palm Coast, Florida
4) Gender : Female
5) Sexuality : Straight
6) Tattoos/piercings (show pics if possible) : Belly Button, 4 in each ear.
7) Describe your personality : My personality is more of a get over it personality, i hate drama. I'm really nice, but when you get on my bad side i can be a huge bitch, I'm also a free opened minded person and belive you can do anything you set your mind to. I also have very strong explanations on very seroius stuff (ex: Anorexia, Buliema, Self Discrimination, Self mutialation, etc)
8) Your Likes: Singing, Playing the guitar, listening to music, eating, being healthy, riding bikes, running, & writing songs, peotry, etc.
9) Your pet peeves : When people arent themselves.
10) List 4 interesting things about you : I'm very opened minded. I'm very hard on the outside and very emotional on the inside. If i have a friend or bestfreidn that is a guy i will do evreyting in my power and not let him get hurt. I play the guitar.
11) AIM or ICQ # if you have either : Aim = Here I am0x
12) Favorite bands/artists : Mae, The Rocket Summer, Fall out boy, The Starting line, Then I turned Seven, Houstin Calls, Alexandria, yeah you get the idea.
13) Favorite movies : The Notebook & Lords of dogtown have to be my 2 favorite movies in the world.
14) Favorite food : Chicken Fedicine
15) Favorite books : I dont read much, there for i dont have a favorite book
16) Say something random : I have a penis.
17) How did you find us? : Megan
18) promote to one lj user and one community, show proof for both :
http://www.livejournal.com/users/fruityliscious/111557.html?view=300997#t300997 Im not in many communtiies. sorry.
19) Amuse us: Umm..
20) At least 3 clear, non-photoshoped pictures of yourself.