Jun 01, 2006 00:50
~Sir Winston Churchill
It's been almost a month since my last update. Not too much has happened. The only thing that really happened was my cousin graduated. So here's what happened with that:
I got up, got dressed, and got dragged to my aunt and uncles house. I was then informed that I was going to Bandamere Speedway, to watch my cousin Derek race in the High School Drags or something of that sort. Originally, I was planning on driving myself up there, because I know how this family works. In a moment of weakness, I decide I would trust them enough to let one of them drive me up there. I kinda forgot to inform my aunt and uncle of that, because I didn't put much thought to that. So we get into Brian's car so he could haul all of our ass' up to the track. Brians driving, Jenna is in the passanger seat, Ashley Craig and myself are in the back. Brian starts driving and we end up at a McDonalds so we could get Derek some food and orange juice. Apparently, orange juice is was keeps Derek...less grumpy(?) in the morning. After we got Derek's food, we head to the bank so we could afford to get into the speedway. Right as we pull up to the bank, Craig, who's only...like 14 or 15 asks "Hey Brian", as he looks at his phone, "how do I get porn on this thing?" The whole car goes silent, everyone gives him a look, and almost at the same time, all of us yell "GOOGLE!". It was funny, then as Jenna gets back in the car, we head to a King Soopers to get some ice, Craig looks up from the phone and yells, "This things stupid, it's not working!!" My sister glares at him, grabs it, and says "Lemme see it." She fiddles with it for a sec, and hands it back to him. Seconds later, everyone hears "FUCK!! That's just gross!!" We all look over to see what he did, and we see two hamsters on top of eachother. Ash looks up and yells "Eh, Craig, I didn't know you liked HAMSTER porn!!". He turns several shades of red, and goes back. The he gets to all the softcore porn, with a slightly less red look on his face. As we pull into the the speedway, we get directed to the lines. This is the line for parking, not to get in mind you. We were sitting in the car for about 20 minutes before we started to move, to get into another line, to pay for the parking. As we are doing so, Brian grabbed my ipod, and started to play it through the car. Interesting...they all liked the rock, but I had one Disney song on there, from the Little Mermaid. We jammed out to that for a bit, then gave it back to me, then we all started listening to...I think it was "Ridin" by Chamillionaire...anyway, we all roll down the window's ta see who all is here, and to see if Gary (Jenna and Derek's older cousin on their mom's side) was right behind us or not. Ash and Jen were boy shoppin, while the two other guys and myself are makin fun of them for it. We get to the head of the line, and get a call from KK, Jen and Deeks younger cousin, also from their mom's side. She calls to tell us she'll be waiting at the top of the parking hill, and that we needed to pick her up to take her to Deeks pit. We agree to do so, and then we get to they pay booth thing. It turns out that there's some young, fat, and REALLY stupid kid is doin the money. We tell him we need 5 tickets ta get in, and one ta park, all together costing us $70 dollars. He stood there, looking at us, then we all yell..."It's 70 dollars!" He gets a look on his face, like he just got hit by the right answer (that he imagined that he came up with on his own) turns and gives us our change. We get up the hill, making fun of this idiot the whole time, and start lookin for KK. We find her, and she climbs in. At this point, it's like a luxury clown car, crampt with all the fat ass' in there, but some room for some more, if ya know what I mean. Jen goes to put the seat back a little, and she ends up in my lap, with KK in hers. We get a call from Deek sayin they are at the far end of the lot, with a "big" green tent. We start driving, and we couldn't find it. KK points it out to us, and this "big" tent is like, 5' X 5' big...we all start makin fun of them, cuz his whole crew is kinda like him...overexagerating, fun lovin dorks. We get out of the car, Deek says hi ta everyone but me...kinda expected. Not too many people in my family speak ta me, the only time they do is out of necessity. I kinda blow it off like it doesn't matter to me...I go over to the fence, not knowing ANYONE but the family, and just look down at the track. After a few minutes, I glance back, and everyone is gathered around Gary's truck, sayin hi, and basically tellin him where ta park. I start watchin again, turn around and Deek is backin a truck up for everyone ta sit on. Jokingly, I'd assume, he made it look like he was tryin ta hit me. I know he was messin, but he stopped as soon as I turned and glared at him. I go back to lookin at the race, turn around, and Jenna, Ash, Brian, and Craig are all gone, and Brians car dissappeared. I got ditched by my family...great. Right then, Mo text's me. I'm chattin back and forth with her, while tryin ta hunt down my family, just lookin around where we originally parked. As I'm just walkin around, I'm gettin strange looks from Deek's pit members, lookin at me like I really didn't belong there. I look at Derek, and see that he's run off with his girlfriend. He shows back up later, looks at me for a minute, then walks off. After that, I finally just started walking...
This always seems to happen to me when I am with the cousins. No one tells me anything, they all vanish, leaving me by myself. This is the exact reason why I tend to drive myself everywhere when I go to ANY family gathering of ANY kind. Unless I'm in Florida, in that case, I just find a place to sit, that has a great view, and I just sit there and ponder about everything until someone finds me and fills me in on what's going on. Anyway, I called mom to ask her if she could call Ash and ask her where she was for me, seein how she wasn't answering my calls. I finally reach the actual building, and look down at the track to continue watching the race. I look down, and see the family down at the bottom watching the race. Right then, I felt that they really didn't want me to be there...at all. I was just so frustrated with them that I almost didn't see my sister was FINALLY returning my calls, after about 20-30 minutes AFTER they fucking ditched me. I answer and she asks me why I was calling her, I told her that they fucking ditched me AGAIN, and that I was lookin for them. She told me where they were and she'd keep an eye out for me...HA, my ass she did. I was tempted to call her again to see how she'd react, but I didn't. I go down and join them and continue to watch. Gary walks up behind us and asks Jenna if she wanted to race with his truck. She wouldn't, and she couldn't...to enter the race, you had to be IN High School, or JUST graduated. Gary looks at me and asks me if I wanted to. I told him I couldn't either, then we asked KK. She agrees and goes off with Gary to get the truck and enter it. Everyone needed to pee at once, so they all went to the port-a-potty's up near the entry booth thing. After a while, they rejoin me and we continue to wait for Derek's second run, and KK's first. Derek got up there, didn't do so hot...he had a REALLY late start for some reason, and then KK rolls up, waves, and floors it. She lost, but she still had fun on her first run. We all head back to the pit to catch up with KK to see how she enjoyed it. We decided that Brian was going to move his car closer to the exit, and we were going to meet him closer to there, near where the cars line up to wait to go on.
Gary's truck, the main transportation down there, LEGALLY seats 4 or 5...We shoved 8 or 9 people in this TINY cabed truck, and a toddler. When we got down the hill a bit to where we needed to go to, it was like an actual clown car. People were amazed that we all fit in there...
Brian shows up a little later in his car, and we get into the back of it, where my aunt and uncle made fried rice for us. We busted into that, then I ditched them where Mo and Christy came to pick me up. Pretty greatful for that. When they came and got me, we went to a movie. We watched the Da Vinci Code...pretty good movie. I got a call from mom while I was in there saying to go over to my aunt and uncles for dinner. I did...and it wasn't that bad. I was then told that I was going to Derek's graduation the next morning. I left there, and went home, did my laundry, and went to bed.
I got up, got dressed, and went to my aunt's and uncle's to see where I was driving to...I did so for two reasons, they needed a second car to go, and I didn't want to be ditched again, with no where to go when it happened again. We got down to the place, and was standin outside the doors, waiting for them to let us in. While we were waiting, we were all looking around, seeing people we knew back in middle school, high school, and through various sports and associations. After a few (close) encounters from some people, we were let in. The ceremony was MUCH shorter than Lakewoods, but a hell of a lot noisier than Lakewoods. People brought fucking air horns...AIR FUCKING HORNS TO A FUCKING GRADUATION. Needless to say, I had a headache when I walked out of there. After his ceremony, we were looking for him outside to say congrats and to leave. It took us 45 minutes to find him. When we did, he thanked everyone for being there, and gave them a hug. Everyone but me, he just looked at me and said thanks. Kinda expected...but the way he said it was more cold and harsh than it ever had to be. You know, that tone of voice that screams "Thanks for being here! I'm so glad you were here to support me!" Then leaves. At that point, my headache got WAY out of control, and I told Ash that I needed to go home, for three reasons: ONE, I wasn't invited to go to the lunch they had planned. TWO, I didn't have any more money on me, just enough for parking and THREE, my head was hurting so much, that if I swollowed a handfull of advil, it wouldn't help.
Ash called my uncle and told him we wouldn't be attending lunch afterall. He was fine with it, and thanked us both for being there today. As we hit Colfax, we see my cousins with Gary's wife, going to lunch, they ask us where we were going. I told them that we needed to go to work in a bit and couldn't...which was technically true, I mean, we both had to work that day.
Work wasn't that bad either. I kept downing advil, hoping it would help. It did toward the end of the night, and we were out of there around 11ish. Not too bad for a work night.
Nothin happened today...boring as always...