Jun 23, 2006 22:36
I've done some thinking and have come to the conclusion that there needs to be a town-wide watergun/waterballoon fight. there needs to be a set day where everyone that everyone knows goes out and tries to assassinate others. or it could be divided up into teams and the team with the most surviving players at the end of the day wins! the only real reason i came up with this is because i want to have a watergun fight REALLY BAD, and i havent had the opportunity to. so man the guns, and fill the balloons, cause when you least expect it, watergun toting militants will be coming after you!
That was fun. Too bad i work too much to do much of anything this summer. It really bites. Its been a long time since fran and i have had a seinfeld bonanza. I need a vacation. and i dont even need to go anywhere, just not have to work and be able to hang out whenever i wanted...which would be all the time, with everyone i know...maybe not everyone but i felt like being inclusive for once.
I am considering going to the sucky Tempest thingy tomorrow, but if it rains screw it. That crazy gender-bending production isnt worth me getting soggy and melting now is it.
Thats about it for now i guess.