So, from time to time, I check the Clockwerx FTP site and see if there is anything up.. and HOLY COW this is awesome.
I just wish that the issue wasn't so far away from being published. On the good side, we should be finishing up the script for book 3 in the fall.
In other comics news, the Psy-Comm 3 lettering script is done and I think the inks are almost down. I think the book wraps up in the fall. I'm pretty happy with it overall. I wish we could have had a longer run and expand on some parts of it, but that may be just hindsight talking after reading the script back through. I'm really proud of it overall though. Our team has been super cool throughout and it will be kind of weird to see it end.
NOTE: this mech is pretty big, the rest of the mechs are a bit smaller. but the detail on this one is STUNNING. Wow! We got lucky with Jean Baptiste as an artist!
Sigh, I need to post some catch up blog posts at some point, but I am currently enjoying not being on crunch and have been lazy. Hopefully this weekend I can catch up.
In the meantime, Rock on!