Apparently when faced with the decision of a lesbian couple
attending prom at Itawamba school district, the school board decided to pull a double-barreled load of d-baggery, and canceled the prom outright, when the ACLU started making noises about defending the young couple against policies designed to specifically single them out. The school board then suggested that parents get together and host their own private prom so that they could discriminate against people in a perfectly legal fashion.
Wow...just wow. Not only does this punish everyone unfairly for the school boards bigotry, but it takes the additional step of fomenting additional resentment and hatred towards the couple for daring to stand up for themselves. The Northeast may still have it's own problems with intolerance and bigotry, but we still are midgets compared to the great giants of cruelty like Ol' Miss.
If this was Mississippi 1965, this would play out as someone white wanting to bring someone black as a date. But instead of canceling the prom outright, there would probably have been threats, intimidation, and possibly a corpse dumped into a shallow grave on the side of the road in the dead of night. So I guess in a very sick and ironic way, this is "progress" in Mississippi for you.